1.Children with delayed speech development.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(9):1236-1242
2.A Study on Non-Organic Failure to Thrive Infants.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(4):464-471
Failure to thrive (FTT) is defined when the weight of a child is below 3rd percentile or when there is sudden weight loss in history. If organic cause of the weight loss is not found, it is called non-organic failure to thrive(NETT). Relatively little attention has been paid to NFTT in Korea for various reasons and the incidence is not known. 25 NFTT infants, aged 3 to 36 months, and 25 controls, matched by age and sex of the infants and age and education of the mothers, were studied through interviews, questionnaires and MMP1. None of the NFTT and control infants had signs of developmental delay on Korean DDST, but the NFTT babies had more negative attitudes toward foods and were viewed by their mothers as more 'difficult' compared to the controls. Screening of home situations were similar in both groups. There was no difference in reports of mothers' childhood, marital status, mental states or current relations with extended family members. Analysis of MMPI of mothers of NFTT babies showed lower T-scores in Hs (hypochondreiasis) and Hy (hysteria) and higher in Mf (masculinitty-feminity) scales than those of mothers of the controls. But most the scores of scores of MMPI of mothers were within normal limits. Conclusion:Multiple factors seem to play roles in the development of NFTT, the babies' attitudes toward food and temperament being the major ones. The relative improtance of any single factor varies according to each particular infant. Contrary to the findings of other Engligh reports, mothers' mental status was found to play negligible role in the development of NFTT in this study.
Failure to Thrive*
Marital Status
Mass Screening
Surveys and Questionnaires
Weight Loss
Weights and Measures
3.A Clinical Study on a Behavior Screening Scale.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(9):1273-1278
A scale to screen children's behavior was developed to be used by pediatrician before examining the children brought to them for possible behavioral or developmental problems. The scale consisted of 2 parts. In the first part, there were 15 subjective questions about children's behavior and development which parents can answer in short sentences and in the second part, there were 36 behavioral items with answers in 1 to 7 grades and "yes" or "no", depending whether the each behavior caused any problem to parents. Concern score was the sum of answers of 15 subjective questions, intensity sore the sum of answers of 36 items and problem score the sum of the answers whether the behavior was a problem to parent or not. From July, 992 to October, 1993, the mothers who brought their children to the department of pediatrics of Ewha Woman's University Hospital with concern of children's behavior or development were asked to fill out the questionnaire before seeing the pediatrician. "Problem" children who were diagnosed to have one of behavioral or developmental disorders were 168 and control children in well baby clinical or with acute pediatric problems were 121 in numbers. The results were as follow: @WN 1) Diagnoses of "problem" children were, in order of frequency, infantile autism, mental retardation, developmental language disorder, Asperger's syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 2) All of concern, intensity and problem scores were significantly higher in "problem" children compared with those of control. 3) Specificities of concern of concern, intensity and problem scores were high but only concern sore had high sensitivity, specificity, positive prodictive value and negative predictive value. 4) Concern score can be used in screening "problem" children with score 7 as cut-off point. In conclusion, in this behavioral scale, concern score which reflect subjective view of parents on children's behavior and development can be used in screening of children with behavioral and developmental problems.
Asperger Syndrome
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
Autistic Disorder
Intellectual Disability
Language Development Disorders
Mass Screening*
Surveys and Questionnaires
Sensitivity and Specificity
4.Tuberculous Meningitis with Fever and Seizure.
Journal of the Korean Medical Association 1997;40(9):1235-1239
No abstract available.
Tuberculosis, Meningeal*
5.Language development in first 3 years of life and early language screening scale.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(4):465-472
No abstract available.
Hypoxia-Ischemia, Brain
Language Development*
Mass Screening*
6.Sleep patern and night waking in infants.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(5):629-636
7.Survey on Pediatrician's Reactions in Management of Terminal Patients.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1988;31(2):227-233
No abstract available.
8.Psychosomatic Problems in Pediatrics.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(9):1-4
No abstract available.
9.Muscle flap rotation technique and Hanley's procedure for horseshoe fistula.
Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 1992;42(4):533-536
No abstract available.
10.Experimental study on bionomics of Giardia Part I. Localization and morphological variation of Giardia muris in various parts of the small intestine of laboratory mice.
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1963;1(1):29-36
The localization of Giardia muris was determined in 8 Giardia-infected laboratory mice that were fed on a normal diet. The average total length of small intestine of the mice was 38.3 cm. Among 8 sections (to divide into 8 part from pylorus to cecal junction :Sect. I, Sect. II, ...... Sect. VIII), the optimum habitat ranged Sect. IV to Sect. V(from 14.5 cm to 24.4 cm posterior to the pylorus. Distribution rate of Giardia muris in posterior part of small intestine was higher than that in anterior part. The bile duct of 8 mice were examined, but no Giardia was found. The cyst of Giardia muris were found at the part posterior to the Sect. VII. The result of a comparison between varying average body length and body breadth of Giardia muris drawn at random from different part of small intestine of 5 laboratory mice was as follows : Maximum average dimension of the body length of the trophozoite was found at the part of Sect. IV and minimum average value was observed at the part of Sect. VIII. On average dimension of body length of the trophozoite, no significant difference was obtained among the parasites at Sect. II, Sect. IV, Sect. VI, but significant small dimension value was observed aat Sect. VIII. Coincidental figures on the part where the maximum distribution rate was shown and the part where the maximum average dimension of the body length of the trophozoite were considered as indicating the optimum site of the parasite.
parasitology-protozoology-Giardia muris