Objective To evaluate low magnetic field MRI findings for diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma.Methods Conventional MRI of surgical-patholo-gically confimed bronchogenic carcioma(132 cases)were analysed.Results The carcinomatous masses have generally middle signal intensity with homogeneous appearance on T1W images,and high signal intensity with heterogenous appearance on T2W images.MRI is an efficient modality to show the hilar and mediastinal lymph node metastases,pleural effusions and carcinmatous invasions of the great vessel,the bronchus,the pleura,the chest wall,and pericardium.It is possible to distinguish mass from obstuctive lesion on MRI.Conclusion Accrding to the mentioned sign and the morphological features of the carcinomatous masses,primary diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma can be made on MRI.