To study the potential health effects of suspended particulate pesticide-Supracide FD, the animals were exposed to the pesticide particle in the inhalation exposure chamber. The suspended particulate pesticide was approximately 2.16μm mass median diameter.
The animals exposed to suspended particulate pesticide had a considerable amount of particles throughout the alveolar region.The particles deposited mainly within alveolar macropharge and alveolar epithelium. The epithelial lesion of the pulmonary tissue and the vacuolar degeneration of hepatic cell of the animals occured after inhalation of pesticide particle.
The exposure to Supracide FD induced production of more thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) in comparison to the controls. The change of serum GOT and LDH activities after exposure to pesticide particle was also remarkable. The exposure to the pesticide particle caused no significant effect on the serum cholinesterase activity.