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Author:( Ken Erbvin Sosa)

1.A web-based survey on the telerehabilitation knowledge, attitude, and practice of physical therapists in a developing country during the COVID-19 pandemic: An analytical cross-sectional study

Ken Erbvin R. Sosa ; Carl Froilan D. Leochico ; Christian Rey D. Rimando

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(2):54-62

2.Describing the sleep health of Amateur Boxing, Wushu-Sanda, and Pencak Silat Philippine National Teams, and its association with socio-demographic variables using the Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire: A cross-sectional descriptive correlational study protocol

Raymond Kenneth Ramos ; Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Karen Leslie Pineda ; Julian Sebastian Rivera ; Carl Daniel Aguilar ; Shane Matthew Domingo ; Florence Mae Grana ; Liana Margarita Manlutac ; Flynn Andrei Sacdalan

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2024;8(1):44-48

3.Translation, cross-cultural adaptation of the lower extremity functional scale into Filipino, and analysis of its psychometric properties: A study protocol

Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Fe Therese Chavez ; Leila Janina Bagsic ; Ma. Sophia Louise Dato ; Luis Miguel Dela Cruz ; Wenna Mitchelle Manongsong ; Aaron Nuñ ; ez ; Jhellina Rojano ; Paul Jimson Sy ; Sophia Joy Velante

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2022;5(2):57-63

4.Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement of psychometric properties of the Filipino version of Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment Ankle Instability (VISA-A) questionnaire for achilles tendinopathy.

Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Paul Daniel Ravarra ; Isaias Khaim Apostol ; Theodore Austin Biason ; Jan Gabriel Bulaong ; Gail Maxine Carbajal ; Ciro Augusto Galang ; Melchizedek Samonte ; Audrey Yee

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2021;5(1):39-50

5.Muscle activation pattern of gluteus medius, tibialis anterior and peroneus longus during drop landing on different surfaces: A cross-sectional study.

Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Kristina Devora ; Rino Luis Santiago ; Shyllah Trish Abando ; Samuel John Chua ; Ria Jasmine de Leon ; Raphael Jose Maria Eala ; Iana Joy Famy ; Anselm Raphael Garvida ; Liezelle Soriano

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2020;4(1):31-38

6.Comparison of core stability and hip muscular strength in selected collegiate football players with and without Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS).

Kris Anthony Agarao ; Consuelo Suarez ; Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Masayoshi Kubo ; Mark Angel Serra ; Ellyce Maria Ramona Adamos ; John Ritchmond Togonon ; Joseph Paolo Badua ; Justin Manuel Paltriguera ; Wilson John Aseron ; Miguel Roberto Umbao

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2020;3(2):18-25

7.Lived experiences of UAAP Season 84 and NCAA Season 97 student-athletes in their bubble set-up training during the COVID-19 pandemic: A research protocol

Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Charles Nicolei Nermal ; Karlos Lorenzo Rea ; Gabrielle Atasha Tanhueco ; Isaac Miguel Andico ; Janelle Audre Chiu ; Timothy Lao ; Ma. Julia Isabelle Peñ ; aloza ; John Mari Quilang ; Zeuch Ryonin Silva

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2024;7(2):51-57

8.The association between kinesiophobia and self-esteem among collegiate athletes with chronic lower extremity musculoskeletal injuries in Greater Manila: A cross-sectional analytical study protocol.

Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Charles Nicolei Nermal ; Paul Daniel Ravarra ; Angelo Jim Aniceto ; Johann Mari Belgica ; Maria Therese Chua ; Emilio Jericho Dela Cruz ; Matthew Neil Flor ; Nixie Maureen Guzman ; Rodolfo Lacsamana Jr.

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2024;8(1):49-55

9.Translation to Filipino and validation of the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Patella (VISA-P) questionnaire for patellar tendinopathy.

Ken Erbvin Sosa ; Paul Daniel Ravarra ; Mark Angel Serra ; Ma. Katrinna Michaela Delfin ; Neil Christian Lapiz ; Young Hee Lee ; Paolo Luis Perez ; Eric Benjamin Reyes ; Andre Patrick Rosales ; Samantha Kimberly Velasquez

Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences 2021;5(1):28-38

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