1.Using E-Learning in Training for Newly Hired Nurses
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2016;64(5):877-881
In the guidance of technical aspects in the “new nursing staff training guidelines” prepared by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in December 2009, We were using an e-learning method. We evaluated the achievement of nursing technology item 69 and examined the problems to be solved for the future basic nursing technical guidance. The subjects in the present study were 53 persons who joined the of rookie nursing staff of our hospital in April 2013 (new nurses are all fresh from college). Of the goals indicated in the guidelines, nursing technology item 69 was prepared for the group training course using e-learning. The trainees learned with a focus on simulation. After that each department carried out OJT and evaluation. We aggregated achievement evaluations and carried out questionnaire surveys on the use of e-learning in June, September and March of the following year. We compared and examined the evaluations of achievement in comparison with the previous year evaluations. In March 2014 when the new nursing staff training program ended, it was found that those who attained “a measure of reach 1: can” or “2: as possible under the guidance” accounted for 36.5% of the total number of recruits in 2013, compared to 34.9% in 2012. The ratio of those who highly evaluated “a measure of reach 4: have knowledge” remarkably increased from4.5% to23.4%, and that of inexperienced persons or people who did not evaluate decreased from 29.2% to 4.2%. This showed that the self-learning and utilizing e-learning at their own pace proactively helped them to acquire basic nursing skills. However, a problem remained that too much time was required for evaluation, because it has been actually evaluated over 100 fields due to detailed e-learning items, the limited number of desk-top computers.
2.Study of the Suitability and Reliability of Evaluations of Initial Objective Structured Clinical Examinations at the Niigata University School of Medicine.
Eiichi SUZUKI ; Masaaki ITO ; Yutaka AOYAGI ; Ichiro FUSE ; Keiko TANAKA ; Makoto NAITO ; Masaharu YAMAMOTO
Medical Education 2003;34(1):37-44
At the Niigata University School of Medicine, objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) were performed for the first time in 2001 for 92 fourth-year medical students. The average evaluation scores students received from instructors were summarized, and the differences between scores given by different instructors were examined. We found that practice methods for the medical interview and physical examination before OSCE and the question topics and evaluation methods of OSCE were appropriate, but scores on some items were extremely low. The standardization and objectivity of the evaluation were satisfactory, perhaps because one explanatory conference and two training conferences were held for instructors before OSCE. However, some questions tended to produce differences between instructors, as did some topics, especially in the medical interview. The scores with standardized patients and those by teachers were strongly correlated, but those with the former were lower than those by the latter.
3.Overwhelming Pneumococcal Infection Due to Congenital Hyposplenism or Asplenia in Adults
Toshio Naito ; Keiko Kume ; Kazunori Mitsuhashi ; Tetsu Okumura ; Hiroshi Isonuma ; Takashi Dambara ; Koichi Suda ; Yasuo Hayashida
General Medicine 2006;7(1):21-24
We recently encountered a case of fatal pneumococcal infection in a previously healthy 19-year-old female. She had no history of splenectomy, but on autopsy she was found to have hyposplenism. It has been widely reported that life-threatening pneumococcal infection can occur after splenectomy, though cases of hyposplenic or asplenic adults, without a history of splenectomy, are very rare. We report this case and review the literature dealing with 6 similar cases.
4.Physicians' Use of Local Dialects during Communication with Patients
Yasuharu Tokuda ; Yasuo Yoshioka ; Masao Aizawa ; Makiro Tanaka ; Sachiko Ohde ; Kazuhisa Motomura ; Akira Naito ; Keiko Hayano ; Tsuguya Fukui
General Medicine 2008;9(1):13-19
OBJECTIVE: To investigate Japanese physicians' use of dialects related to geographic areas and to elucidate how physicians respond to dialect-using patients.
METHODS: We conducted a web-based open survey, to which 170 anonymous physicians reported. We examined the following 1) whether dialects are used during communication with patients; 2) how to communicate with patients using dialects; and, 3) reasons for having difficulty in communicating with patients who regularly use dialects. Geographical areas were divided into the following 8 areas Hokkaido-Tohoku, Kanto, Koshinetsu-Hokuriku, Tokai, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu-Okinawa.
RESULTS: Of 170 physicians, 61.2% (95% CI: 53.4-68.5%) reported using dialects. These proportions differed by geographic area (F= 8.141; p<0.001) . Physicians practicing in Shikoku and Chugoku used dialects most frequently, while those practicing in Kanto and Hokkaido-Tohoku used dialects least frequently. Many dialect-using physicians thought that physicians should use the same dialect as dialect-using patients. In addition, dialect-using physicians were more likely to think that a physician-related factor was responsible for having difficulty in garnering clinical information.
CONCLUSIONS: Use of dialects by Japanese physicians during communication with patients seems common and may differ by geographic areas. Physicians' use of dialects could be a useful tool for effective clinical communication.
5.High-Grade, Advanced Tongue Cancer Treated with Arterial Injection Chemoradiotherapy by Multidisciplinary Medical Teams
Akio YASUI ; Shoichiro KITAJIMA ; Hisanobu MARUO ; Harumi MIZUTANI ; Emi SAWAKI ; Mariko MIZOGUCHI ; Yuna KATO ; Shinichi ISHIKAWA ; Masayo SOBUE ; Akiko UNESOKO ; Keiko NAITO ; Masaki NAKATA ; Hayato SIGEMURA ; Mayu MATSUOKA ; Tomoko NODA ; Tetsuya ANDO ; Minoru TERASAWA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2016;65(1):83-92
In recent years, favorable therapeutic outcomes have been reported for arterial injection chemoradiotherapy for tongue cancer. The present case involves an 80-year-old woman in our palliative care department who had high-grade, advanced tongue cancer. Because there was a request for surgery to prevent airway occlusion due to growth of the tumor, she was referred to our department in April 2009. As a treatment policy for controlling tumor growth in high-grade, advanced tongue cancer, arterial injection chemoradiotherapy was carried out through the superficial temporal artery, with a tongue artery catheter in place on both sides. Therapeutic effect was obtained, and it was possible to avoid airway occlusion through tumor regression. Dysphagia and dysphemia were improved, which in turn improved quality of life. In this case, there was an opportunity to carry out multidisciplinary team medicine, including support from the oral care and palliative care teams as part of the process of cancer therapy. Here, we present our findings in this case.
6.Beliefs About Spiritual Pain among Palliative Care Physicians and Liaison Psychiatrists: A Nationwide Questionnaire Survey
Akemi Shirado NAITO ; Tatsuya MORITA ; Keiko TAMURA ; Kiyofumi OYA ; Yoshinobu MATSUDA ; Keita TAGAMI ; Hideyuki KASHIWAGI ; Hiroyuki OTANI
Palliative Care Research 2021;16(2):115-122
Objectives: Spiritual pain is not formally defined. The aim of this study was to clarify the beliefs about spiritual pain among Japanese palliative care physicians and liaison psychiatrists and to compare their beliefs. Methods: A nationwide questionnaire survey was conducted by mail August, 2019 on certified palliative care physicians and liaison psychiatrists. We asked 9 questions about spiritual pain (i.e. current status, definition, and the delivery of care) using a 5-Likert scale. Result: 387 palliative care physicians (response rate, 53%) and 374 psychiatrists (45%) responded. 72% (76% of the palliative care physicians/69% of the psychiatrists) reported that spiritual pain was distinct from depression, but 69% (66/71) reported that it was not defined adequately; and 59% (59/60) perceived the risks of using the words ambiguously. Only 43% (40/47) recommended the universal definition of spiritual pain, and opinions about how spiritual pain should be defined (i.e, higher being, meaning/value, or specific terms) differed among physicians. Perception about spiritual pain of the physicians were significantly associated with their religion, while beliefs about spiritual pain were essentially similar between palliative care physicians and psychiatrists. Conclusion: Although physicians regarded the definition of spiritual pain as being inadequate, the opinions about preferable definition differed among physicians. Discussion about the value of developing a consensus of spiritual pain is needed.