1.Medical Education in Australia
Kazuo SHIZUME ; Michio OKAJIMA ; Akira AKAIKE ; Noboru KOBAYASHI ; Takashi WAGATSUMA ; Tetsuya AKAGAWA
Medical Education 1971;2(4):259-270
3.A Case of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Involved by Acute Type B Dissection Treated with One-Stage OPCAB and Y-Graft Replacement
Yoshimori Araki ; Michio Sasaki ; Toshiaki Akita ; Akihiko Usui ; Kazuo Nishimoto ; Masayoshi Kobayashi ; Kimihiro Komori ; Yuichi Ueda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(1):55-58
An 83-year-old man had acute type B aortic dissection combined with a large athelosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) over 8cm in diameter. The dissection advanced into the wall of the AAA. The patient was treated with strict medical therapy for two months and successfully underwent an early elective abdominal aortic repair concomitant with off-pump aortocoronary bypass grafting. This strategy of meticulous medical management may improve clinical outcome for the acute phase in such rare cases.
4.Research and study on health of young generation in rural communities in Nagano prefecture.
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1989;38(2):110-116
A check of the health of residents in their twenties and thirties in Nagano Prefecture's rural communities indicates that the rate of hypertensives and the incidence of cholesterolemia were low in those age groups. There were signs that the prevalence of obesity is somewhat high among males but low among females. Virtually no incidence of anemia was observed among men but the incidence was fairly high among women. The number of persons with hepatic dysfunction was relatively large among men. In terms of the intake of nutrients, there were not a few men for whom the meals were imbalanced, and the intake of alcoholic beverages was high.
It is necessary that women should refrain from taking in confectionary and taken in fishmeat, meat, milk, egg, soybeans and other proteins. In Nagano Prefecture's rural communities, there remain signs that the intake of salt is high even in young generation, so that it is important to take measures for the prevention of hypertension.
5.Dietary Management of Chronic Renal Failure. The Effects of Seminar.
Shigemi NAKAMURA ; Chiyo YAMADA ; Yuko HORI ; Etsuko NISHIKAWA ; Mari KONUMA ; Yoko OGASAWARA ; Rei SHIMIZU ; Kazuo KOBAYASHI ; Hiroyasu INN ; Shoichi AKATSUKA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1998;47(2):129-136
Today, well over 160, 000 patients undergo dialysis throughout Japan. The number of patients who are newly required to receive it is increasing year by year. Given that situation, our hospital has annually held a seminar since October 1994 for patients with renal diseases. The purpose is to slow the deterioration of renal function and to delay the introduction of dialysis by encouraging the patients to acquire a habit of taking high calory, low protein food.
This seminar must have help the patients get more knowledgeable about morbidity and learn the benefit of low protein rice-based diet. Now that three years have passed since the opening of the course, we reviewed the outcome, comparing the effects of old and new restrict diets.
A difference began to appear 9-2 months after the lst seminar between the seminar participants and the non-participants (control group) who received guidance only at the outpatient ward. The average rate of decrease in the serum creatine level of those participants who eated lowprotein rice was 0.029 and that of those participants who did not eat the restricted food was 0.166 (p<0.05), compared with 0.262 in the control group. We concluded that the difference is ascribable to the effect of the seminar. We would like to contribute to the well-being of the patients by enriching the content of the seminar and continuing to hold it.
6.Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Pregabalin for Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
Shunya IKEDA ; Setsuro OGAWA ; Toyoshi HOSOKAWA ; Kazushige MURAKAWA ; Nigishi HOTTA ; Shinichi KONNO ; Kazuhisa TAKAHASHI ; Shinichi KIKUCHI ; Kazuo HANAOKA ; Makoto KOBAYASHI
Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2011;16(1):1-9
This study aimed to estimate the cost-effectiveness of pregabalin treatment for neuropathic pain.
Design:Long-term simulations based on state transition models.
Methods:We examined the cost-effectiveness of pregabalin for treatment of three common peripheral neuropathic pains, postherpetic neuralgia(PHN), painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN), and radiculopathy, using the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio(ICER). We used quality-adjusted life years(QALYs)as an index of effectiveness, and also estimated medical costs. For PHN and DPN, we constructed state transition models comprising two states, with and without pregabalin treatment, and performed 52-week simulations. The pain scores reported in Japanese phaseIII studies were used to set patients' weekly pain scores. The results of utility surveys conducted overseas were used as utility scores, while values randomly sampled from probability distributions were used to set weekly pain scores and drop-out rates. In base-case analyses, we performed 1000 1st-order Monte Carlo simulations using 1000 values randomly sampled from probability distributions, and calculated QALYs and medical costs for 52 weeks for each group. For radiculopathy, the ICER was calculated from changes in QALYs for 12 weeks reported overseas and medical costs estimated separately for the identical period.
Results:The ICERs for PHN, DPN, and radiculopathy were 1,116,886 Yen/QALY, 1,100,420 Yen/QALY, and 1,095,943 Yen/QALY, respectively, which were well below the upper limits of ICER ranges for treatments considered cost-effective. There were no cases in which ICERs obtained from scenario and sensitivity analyses differed significantly.
Conclusion:Pregabalin was shown to be cost-effective treatment for neuropathic pain.
7.Continuing Medical Education in Universities. Questionnaire Analysis of Present Status. (The 2nd Report).
Kenichi KOBAYASHI ; Tsutomu IWABUCHI ; Hiroshi KIKUCHI ; Masahiko HATAO ; Shigeru HAYASHI ; Yutaka HIRANO ; Hiroshi HAMADA ; Takao NAKAGI ; Kazuo SAITO ; Osamu NISHIZAKI ; Ryoichi NISHIMURA ; Arito TORII
Medical Education 1992;23(1):50-54
8.Clinical study on the prevention of recurrent tonsillitis by acupuncture (II)
Keishi YOSHIKAWA ; Kazushi NISHIJO ; Kazuhiro YAZAWA ; Hidetoshi MORI ; Tomomi SAKAI ; Kazuo SASAKI ; Akihiro OGATA ; Toshikazu SHIMA ; Katsumi KURIHARA ; Takeshi TOMIYASU ; Shuichi KATAI ; Yoshitsugu OHIRA ; Seiichi KOBAYASHI ; Akemi YAMAMOTO
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1984;34(1):8-14
We have continued a study on the preventive effects of acupuncture on recurrent tonsillitis. Among 239 patients with tonsillitis examined in 1980, 200 were included in the category of recurrent tonsillitis, showing a fever four or more times a year.
The preventive effects of acupuncture in these 200 patients are reported in this paper.
The subjects were 200 patients with recurrent tonsillitis treated in our department in 1980. The frequency, number of days and severity of fever and other symptoms (conditions of the nose and throat, snoring, colds and general condition) were followed for one year after the acupuncture treatment.
Of the 200 patients, 171, excluding the 29 in whom the results of research could not be obtained, were analyzed. With regard to the frequency of fever, the number of patients with a fever 12 or more times a year decreased from 102 before acupuncture therapy to nine after the treatment. The number of patients who did not have any fever and who had a fever one to three times after treatment was 30 and 69, respectively. Thus, 40.4% were not included in the category of recurrent tonsillitis, even though fever was present. In addition, there was a decrease in the severity and number of days of fever.
Favorable effects of the treatment on symptoms other than fever, such as conditions of the nose and throat, snoring, resistance to colds and general condition, were noted in more than 50% of the patients who did not have any fever after treatment or had a fever half as frequently as before treatment.
When the preventive effects on fever were determined according to age, improvement was observed in all age groups. From the viewpoint of the prevention of repetition of a high fever, the best results were obtained in patients 6-11 years of age, followed by those five years old or less.
Acupuncture treatment for recurrent tonsillitis is not so effective as tonsillectomy. However, we consider that acupuncture treatment is worth using prior to tonsillectomy to prevent the relapse of recurrent tonsillitis, taking into account operative stress on the living body and economic and personal problems arising from tonsillectomy.
9.The Blended Teaching with Information and Communication Technology-based Learning before Classes and Simulated Clinical Problem-solving Training for the First-year Nursing Students
Hiroki NAMIKAWA ; Yasuhiko TAKEMOTO ; Tomomi TAKESHIGE ; Sachiko OKU ; Ayako MAKUUCHI ; Kazuo FUKUMOTO ; Masanori KOBAYASHI ; Shigeki KINUHATA ; Hiromitsu TOYODA ; Noriko KAMATA ; Yoshihiro TOCHINO ; Mina MORIMURA ; Taichi SHUTO
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 2017;40(4):192-194
10.An update of oncologic and obstetric outcomes after abdominal trachelectomy using the FIGO 2018 staging system for cervical cancer: a single-institution retrospective analysis
Kaoru OKUGAWA ; Hideaki YAHATA ; Tatsuhiro OHGAMI ; Masafumi YASUNAGA ; Kazuo ASANOMA ; Hiroaki KOBAYASHI ; Kiyoko KATO
Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2023;34(3):e41-
To apply the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 2018 staging system to all patients who underwent trachelectomy in our previous study and to update the oncologic and obstetric results.
We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients in whom abdominal trachelectomy was attempted between June 2005 and September 2021. The FIGO 2018 staging system for cervical cancer was applied to all patients.
Abdominal trachelectomy was attempted for 265 patients. Trachelectomy was converted to hysterectomy in 35 patients, and trachelectomy was completed successfully in 230 (conversion rate: 13%). Applying the FIGO 2018 staging system, 40% of the patients who underwent radical trachelectomy had stage IA tumors. Among 71 patients who had tumors measuring ≥2 cm, 8 patients were classified as stage IA1 and 14 as stage IA2. Overall recurrence and mortality rates were 2.2% and 1.3%, respectively. One hundred twelve patients attempted to conceive after trachelectomy; 69 pregnancies were achieved in 46 patients (pregnancy rate: 41%). Twenty-three pregnancies ended in first-trimester miscarriage, and 41 infants were delivered between gestational weeks 23 and 37; 16 were deliveries at term (39%) and 25 were premature deliveries (61%).
This study suggested that patients judged to be ineligible for trachelectomy and patients receiving overtreatment will continue to appear using the current standard eligibility criteria. With the revisions to the FIGO 2018 staging system, the preoperative eligibility criteria for trachelectomy, which were based on the FIGO 2009 staging system and tumor size, should be changed.