2.Lessons on large-scale OSCE in Canadian Qualifying Examination Part II after post-graduate residency
Kazunobu Ishikawa ; Toshiya Suzuki ; Nobuo Nara
Medical Education 2015;46(2):171-177
Based on our experience of visiting the Medical Council of Canada and observing large-scale OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) in Canadian Qualifying Examination Part II , we report differences operation system, implementation status, and examination questions compared to Japan. This very important examination after the post-graduate residency program may provide several invaluable tips when we introduce nation-wide clinical performance examinations.
4.A 2012 nationwide survey on the application of simulation-based education in medical schools in Japan
Kazunobu Ishikawa ; Akiko Sugawara ; Gen Kobayashi ; Nobuo Nara
Medical Education 2013;44(5):311-314
Because recent changes in medical care security policy have made clinical skills training difficult, even in teaching hospitals, training with suitable models and simulators is becoming essential for medical students to acquire clinical skills. On the basis of these changes, we performed a nationwide survey on the prevalence and application of clinical skills laboratories for clerkships in Japan. Registered questionnaires were sent to all medical schools in Japan (n=80) in December 2012. The response forms were filled out by clinical instructors and by the staff responsible for the skills laboratory. The response rate was 94% (75 of 80 schools). Seventy-one schools (95%) have already installed clinical skills laboratory; however, floor area and availability varied greatly among schools. Floor space ranged from 24 to 2,250 m2 (median, 214 m2). The number of uses of the facility by medical students in the 2011 school year ranged from less than 100 to more than 10,000 (median, 1,402). Forty-two schools (59%) had a resident director for the skills laboratory. Simulators of most universities (> 90%) were venopuncture simulators, lung-sound simulators, basic life support mannequins, heart-sound simulators, surgical suture trainers, and automated external defibrillator trainers, and all were frequently used. These results suggest considerable differences among schools in simulation-based learning environments during clinical clerkships. Although most medical schools in Japan have their own clinical skills laboratories, their size, service, and frequency of use vary greatly.
5.Supporting the well-being of first- and second-year medical students
Medical Education 2010;41(5):359-365
To investigate the effects of generational factors on the lives of medical students in the first and second years, we surveyed students about the frequency of problems and the seeking of advice.1) A questionnaire was distributed to first- and second-year students in January 2009 asking about problems regarding academic work, mental health, financial concerns, career options, physical wellness, and interpersonal relationships.2) About 70% of the students had sought advice regarding academic work and interpersonal relationships. Also, about 50% had sought advice regarding mental health.3) Students chose potential advisors depending on the type of problem; however, they preferred to consult with their classmates and upperclassmen. In addition, their parents played a role. In contrast, students rarely consulted with teachers.4) High percentages of first- and second-year medical students had various problems. Creating a support system to address these problems is important.
6.Development of a novel self–assessment system for the clinical competence of medical students
Akiko Sugawara ; Gen Kobayashi ; Yoko Moroi ; Tatsuo Suzutani ; Teizo Fujita ; Tetsuhito Fukushima ; Kazunobu Ishikawa
Medical Education 2011;42(4):201-208
To accurately assess the clinical competencies of medical students at Fukushima Medical University, we have developed a novel online self–assessment system, which covers all goals in the "Model Core Curriculum for Medical Education in Japan." We added "Emergency," "Communication skills with staff," and "Simulation–based learning." Following their clinical clerkships, 79 sixth–year medical students assessed themselves and their clinical clerkships.
1)This novel online self–assessment system, consisting of 68 checklists in 15 fields, easily informs us of the actual conditions of clinical clerkships and students' confidence in their clinical competencies.
2)This internet–based self–assessment system revealed the current status and problems of clinical clerkships, prompting feedback to clinical instructors and members of the instruction committee.
3)Students felt "confident" or "confident to a certain degree" in most learning areas; however, simulation–based learning seems to be necessary in several areas, such as clinical skills, where feelings of shame or discomfort may be associated with patient care.
4)Students who had high total self–assessment scores evaluated clinical clerkships favorably. In contrast, students whose self–assessments frequently included "no learning experience" evaluated their clerkships negatively in the educational aspects of "skill" and "attitude."
7.Medical Students' Simlympic Games 2014:
Kazunobu Ishikawa ; Taichi Shuto ; Hiroyuki Komatsu ; Yoko Moroi ; Keiko Abe ; Motofumi Yoshida ; Kazuhiko Fujisaki ; Takuzo Hano ; Kazuhiro Hirohashi
Medical Education 2015;46(3):259-271
To encourage the broad use of simulation-based medical education and establish partnerships to promote objective structured clinical examinations after clinical clerkship among medical teachers, we hosted the first team-based clinical skills competition event for medical students in Japan, named ‘Medical Students' Simlympic Games 2014'. Thirty-six (12 teams of three) open-recruited 5th or 6th grade medical students participated in this event. Student teams performed clinical tasks at 6 stations, which actively utilized the strengths of simulators or simulated patients. Contents, composition, difficulty level, and validity were tested by trainee doctors and examined by committee members in advance. In this report, we describe our concept, executive committee formation, a variety of arrangements, the outline on the day of the event, and the results of a questionnaire targeting participants. (126 words)
8.A joint survey of medical students' self-assessment of competency after clinical clerkship and learning strategies among 9 universities in Japan
Hiroyuki Komatsu ; Kazunobu Ishikawa ; Taichi Shuto ; Keiko Abe ; Kazuhiko Fujisaki ; Motofumi Yoshida ; Masatsugu Ohtsuki ; Miki Izumi ; Keiichiro Suzuki ; Shizukiyo Ishikawa ; Kazuhiro Hirohashi
Medical Education 2016;47(4):271-279
This study examined the ability of medical students to self-assess basic clinical competence and learning strategies including simulation-based medical education for sixth-year medical students (n=903) at nine universities in Japan. About 40% of 27 procedures to achieve clinical skills in a model curriculum were taught using simulators with or without clinical training in hospitals. We noted that significant numbers of procedures were not practiced through any learning strategies. Higher self-assessment scores were observed among students in 4 schools who had more frequent learning opportunities through simulation-based education than among those with less frequent opportunities in 5 schools.
9.A Checklist for Healthcare Students and Professionals on How to Use Social Media
Medical Education 2020;51(4):401-404
Background: With the expanding use of social media, medical students have been posting an increasing amount of content that against ethics and professionalism. Objective: To develop a checklist for social media use within medical education based on our national survey. Methods: We analyzed and classified unprofessional behaviors that occurred over the past ten years in Japan. Then, we developed an event-based checklist for the use of social media use. Result: The behaviors violating ethics and professionalism were classified into 3 categories. We have developed a social media checklist consisting of 10 items. Discussion: Since social networking services are becoming vital information technology, every medical student or professional may risk unprofessional behaviors when they post or exchange any professional information. We propose appropriate education using an event-based checklist for social media usage.
10.Progress in Recognizing and Comprehending of Medical Terms Among Medical Students
Medical Education 2019;50(6):563-567
Introduction: To implement effective medical education, it is important to clarify the process of recognizing and comprehending medical terms. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey of 492 first- to fifth-year medical students to evaluate the recognition and comprehension rates of 57 medical terms in each grade. The terms were classified using the hierarchical cluster analysis based on the recognition and comprehension rates. Results: The response rate was 91.1% (n=448). The 57 terms were classified into the following five clusters: #1, 30 terms that the students recognized and comprehended from Y1; #2, 18 terms that the students recognized from Y1 and comprehended as the grade increased; #3, six terms that the students recognized and comprehended as the grade increased; #4, two terms that the students recognized from Y1 but had not comprehended even in upper grades; #5, one term that the students recognized as the grade increased but had not comprehended even in Y5. Discussion: Teachers may need to devise educational strategies while considering different patterns of students’ recognition and comprehension of medical terms.