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Author:( Katsushi Kinouchi)

1.Experimental Study of the Dynamic Fontan Operation with an Electrical Preconditioned Skeletal Muscle Ventricle for the Univentricular Heart.

Yoko Matsumura ; Kiyozo Morita ; Katsushi Kinouchi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2003;32(2):64-68

2.Modification of End-to-End Anastomosis for Long-Segment Coarctation of the Aorta

Mitsutaka Nakao ; Yoshihiro Ko ; Katsushi Kinouchi ; Takayuki Abe ; Koji Nomura

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(2):66-69

3.Mid-Term Pulmonary Homograft Function for Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction in the Ross Procedure.

Koji Nomura ; Hiromi Kurosawa ; Kiyozo Morita ; Hirokuni Naganuma ; Katsushi Kinouchi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;31(6):385-387

4.A Case of Aortopulmonary Window after Balloon Angioplasty for Bifurcation Pulmonary Stenosis Based on the Jatene Procedure

Ken Nakamura ; Kiyozou Morita ; Yoshihiro Ko ; Katsushi Kinouchi ; Kazuhiro Hashimoto

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(4):205-209

5.Valvuloplasty of Persistent Truncus Arteriosus with Pentacuspid Truncal Valve Insufficiency

Takayuki Abe ; Koji Nomura ; Katsushi Kinouchi ; Ko Yoshihiro

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2013;42(3):183-185

6.A Case of a Coronary Arteriovenous Fistula Associated with a Right Single Coronary Artery

Katsushi Kinouchi ; Hiromi Kurosawa ; Kiyozo Morita ; Koji Nomura ; Hirokuni Naganuma ; Youkou Matsumura

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2004;33(4):252-254

7.Role of 16-Slice Multi-Detector Row Computed Tomography in Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease

Ken Nakamura ; Kiyozou Morita ; Yosihiro Ko ; Yoko Matsumura ; Katsushi Kinouchi ; Kazuhiro Hashimoto

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(4):198-204

8.A Case of Mycotic Aneurysm of the Pulmonary Artery with Pulmonary Artery Fistula following Pulmonary Artery Banding

Yoshihiro Ko ; Kiyozo Morita ; Yoko Matsumura ; Katsushi Kinouchi ; Ken Nakamura ; Kazuhiro Hashimoto

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(5):292-294

9.Modified Konno Operation for Aortic Valve Regurgitation after Arterial Switch Operation

Ken Nakamura ; Kiyozou Morita ; Yoshihiro Ko ; Katsushi Kinouchi ; Kazuhiro Hashimoto ; Hiromi Kurosawa

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(2):72-75

10.Sutureless Repair of Pulmonary Venous Obstruction after Repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (1a+2a)

Katsushi Kinouchi ; Kiyozo Morita ; Kazuhiro Hashimoto ; Koji Nomura ; Yoshimasa Uno ; Youkou Matsumura ; Ken Nakamura ; Takayuki Abe ; Hiroshi Kagawa ; Tooru Sakuma

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(6):328-332

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