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Author:( Kartini Ahmad)

1.The Introduction of a Secondary Reinforcer During Therapy Based on the ABA Model for Children with Autisme

Ban Weng Lun ; Susheel Kaur Dhillon Joginder Singh ; Kartini Ahmad

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2016;14(2):89-102

2.Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis as the First Presentation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Anisha Bhullar ; Wan Syazween Iyana Wan Ahmad Kamal ; Kartini Rahim

Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2017;38(June):83-86

3.Mimics and diagnostic pitfalls of intracranial lesions in conventional MRI: Clues on advanced MRI

Alan Basil Peter ; Norlisah Ramli ; Kartini Rahmat ; Faizatul Izza Rozalli ; Che Ahmad Mazlan

Neurology Asia 2015;20(2):161-165

4.An exploratory study on speech and hearing outcomes in children with cleft lip and palate

Hasherah Mohd Ibrahim ; Fatin Hanim Mohamed Yusoff ; Kartini Ahmad ; Sandra Van Dort

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2015;70(6):321-325

5.The Validation Of The Malay Preschool Language Assessment Tool (Mplat): The Screening And Diagnostic Versions

Rogayah A Razak ; Amelia Inbam Neelagandan ; Norlenawati Md Yusuf ; Lim Hui Woan ; Kartini Ahmad ; Charles Madison

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018;18(Special Volume (1)):191-115

6.Bilateral thalamic internal medullary lamina involvement in a case of dengue encephalitis

Sherrini Bazir Ahmad ; Chin Sum Cheong ; Shen-Yang Lim ; Kartini Rahmat ; Faizatul Izza Rozalli ; Shamala Devi Sekaran ; Helmi Sulaiman, Sasheela Ponnampalavanar ; Kheng Seang Lim ; Chong Tin Tan

Neurology Asia 2016;21(4):375-379

7.Level 4 comprehensive epilepsy program in Malaysia, a resource-limited country

Kheng-Seang LIM ; Sherrini Ahmad Bazir Ahmad ; Vairavan NARAYANAN ; Kartini RAHMAT ; Norlisah Mohd RAMLI ; Kein-Seong MUN ; Kum-Thong WONG ; Noraini ISMAIL ; Shweh-Fern LOO ; Chong-Tin TAN

Neurology Asia 2017;22(4):299-305

8.Determination of calorie and protein intake among acute and sub-acute traumatic brain injury patients

Ibrahim Mohd ABDULLAH ; Aryati AHMAD ; Wafa Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek ; Latif Ahmad Zubaidi Abdul ; Yusoff Noor Aini Mohd ; Khalis Muhammad JASMIAD ; Nujaimin UDIN ; Abdul Kartini KARIM

Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2020;23(5):290-294

9.A validation study of the Bahasa Malaysia version of the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale

Najma Kori ; Wan Asyraf Wan Zaidi ; Rabani Remli ; Azman Ali Raymond ; Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim ; Hui Jan Tan ; Syed Zulkifli Syed Zakaria ; Zhe Kang Law ; Kartini Ahmad ; Wan Nafisah Wan Yahya ; Ramesh Sahathevan

Neurology Asia 2018;23(3):225-232

10.Perkembangan Bahasa dan Pertuturan Kanak-Kanak Melayu Pengguna Implan Koklea di bawah Program Implan Koklea Kebangsaan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (Speech and Language Development of Malay Children with Cochlear Implants under the National Cochlear Implant Program, Ministry of Health Malaysia)


Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2022;20(No.1):37-50

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