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Author:( Juhara Haron)

1.Clavicle Fracture and Subclavian Vessels Disruption with Massive Haemothorax Mimic Intrathoracic Injury

Wan Ismail Faisham ; Paiman Mohammad ; Haron Juhara ; Nik Mahdi Munirah ; Hassan Shamsulkamaruljan ; Ghazali Mohamad Ziyadi

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;18(2):74-77

2.The Combination of Sonography and Physical Examination Improves the Patency and Suitability of Hemodialysis Arteriovenous Fistula in Vascular Access

Normawati Mat Said ; Kamarul Imran Musa ; Mohamed Ashraf Mohamed Daud ; Juhara Haron

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2016;23(4):26-32

3.Familial antithrombin III deficiency in a Malay patient with massive thrombosis

Wan Suriana Wan Ab Rahman ; Wan Zaidah Abdullah ; Mohd Nazri Hassan ; Azlan HUSSIN ; Zefarina Zulkafli ; Juhara Haron

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2017;39(2):197-200

4.Correlation of Vitamin D With Bone Mineral Density by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Scan Among Healthy Malay Adult

Tuan Salwani Tuan Ismail ; Siong Hu Wong ; Mohd Hadizie Din ; Zulkarnain Mustapha ; Juhara Haron ; Ahmad Badruridzwanullah Bin Zun

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(No.2):16-22

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