1.The effect of assertive case management on relapse and health economic evaluation in schizophrenics living in communities
Jing ZHAO ; Qinyu LV ; Xiangqin GUO ; Guoqin HU ; Zuowei WANG ; Yaqin JIANG ; Jian CHEN ; Jubao LU ; Yi WU ; Hongtao XIE ; Zhenghui YI
Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 2014;(11):666-672
Objective To evaluate the effect of assertive case management on relapse and health economic evalua?tion in schizophrenics living in communities. Methods Two hundred outpatients were randomly divided into the study group (107 enrolled, 107 completed) which received assertive case management and the control group (93 enrolled, 91 completed) which received normal management treatment for 12 months. Clinical global impression scale (CGI) and the cost of treatment were assessed every three months. Medication adherence and family burden were evaluated before treat?ment and 3, 6 and 12 months after the treatment using Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS) and Family Burden Instructing, respectively. Results The study group was less likely to relapse compared with the control group over the 12-month follow-up and the relapse rates were 1.9%and 11.0%in study and control groups, respectively (P<0.01). The repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated that time main effect was significant in severity of illness factor score of CGI (P<0.01). The time main effect and group main effect in factor 1 and factor 3 scores of MARS were significant (all P<0.05) and there was an interaction effect in factor1 score of MARS (P<0.01). In the study group, time effect were signifi?cant in factor 1 score of MARS (P<0.01). The time main effects in indirect cost and total cost were significant and so were interaction effects in direct cost and total cost (P<0.05). In the study group, time effects were significant in direct cost and total cost (P<0.01). Comparison of FBI dimensions before and after the intervention showed that family relation?ship was much more decreased in the study group than in the control group (P<0.01). Conclusions Assertive Case Man?agement can reduce the recurrence of schizophrenia living in communities, improve compliance medication and family re?lationship as well as reduce the cost of treatment.
2.ThevalueofDWIhyperintenseinvenoussinusindiagnosisandrecanalizationpredictionof cerebralvenoussinusthrombosis
Xinyu LI ; Jing YANG ; Guoguo LU ; Xuanxuan WANG ; Xiaoliang XU ; Jubao SUN ; Diansen CHEN
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(7):1038-1041
Objective ToinvestigatethevalueofDWIhyperintensityinvenoussinusindiagnosisandrecanalizationpredictionof cerebralvenoussinusthrombosis(CVST).Methods Clinicaland MRIdataof19patientswithCVST wereanalyzedretrospectively. BasedonDWIsignalcharacteristicsoftheCVST,thepatientsweredividedintoasthehyperintensegroupandthenon-hyperintense group.TheintervaltimebetweenthefirstMRIexaminationandtheonset,andtherecanalizationratewithin1 monthand3 months werecomparedbetweenthetwogroups.Results Therewere76 CVSTinthe19patients,withhyperintensein16venoussinus (21%)andin11patients(57.9%).Theintervaltimewaslongerinthehypertensegroupthanthenon-hypertensegroupbutnosta-tisticalsignificance[(12.81±11.10)daysversus(5.70±7.82)days,P=0.165].17patientsunderwentthesecond MRIexamination in1month,andtherecanalizationrateoftheobstructedsinuswaslowerinthehypertensegroupthanthenon-hypertensegroupwith nostatisticalsignificance(P=0.130).14patientsunderwenttheMRIexaminationafter3 months,andtherecanalizationrateofthe obstructedsinuswaslowerinthehypertensegroupthanthenon-hypertensegroupwithstatisticalsignificance(P=0.047).Conclu-sion ThehypertenseonDWIhashighsensitivityforthedetectionofsubacuteCVST.Thepresenceofhypertenseinoccludedsinus onDWIhasthepredictivevalueforvesselrecanalization.
3.Atypical MRI presentation of primary central nervous system non-hodgkin lymphoma
Xinyu LI ; Jubao SUN ; Jing YANG ; Wei XIONG ; Guoguo LU ; Diansen CHEN
Chinese Journal of Radiology 2018;52(2):81-85
Objective To investigate the atypical MRI manifestations in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma(PCNSL). Methods The clinical and MRI manifestations of 17 patients with pathologically confirmed atypical PCNSL in the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology (from May 2011 to Dec 2016) and Nanfang Hospital (from Sep 2003 to May 2009) were analyzed retrospectively in this study. Both conventional and contrast-enhanced MR images were acquired for each patient. The MRI manifestations including the number, location, size, shape, signal intensity, enhancement patterns of lesions were evaluated by two senior radiologists.Results Of the 17 cases,8 were solitary and 9 were multiple.Two types of atypical MR findings were found:(1)Atypical location:For the 9 patients showed atypical location,7 patients had solitary masses which were located in the brainstem(n=3), the supratentorial superficial parts(n=2), the cerebellum(n=1)and the sella(n=1). Two patients had multiple lesions, showing multiple subependymal nodules and no abnormalities in the brain parenchyma. Six of the 7 solitary lesions and the 2 multiple cases showed isointense or hypointense on T1-weighted scans and isointense or hyperintense on T2-weighted scans as well as significant homogenous enhancement on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted scans.(2)Atypical signal features:Ten cases were found with atypical signal features including:①Patchy lesions were observed in 6 patients( one patient with single lesion, and five patients with multiple lesions),appearing as hyperintense spots on T2-weighted image and subtle hypointense on T1-Weighted image. Corresponding contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR image showed multiple patchy/linear enhancement. ②Two cases showed diffuse supratentorial periventricular and infra-tentorial white matter T2hyperintensity and absence of contrast enhancement. ③Nodular lesions with inhomogeneous internal signals were found in 2 cases with calcification(n=1) and cystic necrosis (n=1, ring-like enhancement).Conclusions The atypical imaging manifestations of PCNSL could lead to misdiagnosis or delay in the diagnosis.It is important to understand its atypical imaging features and combine with clinical manifestations to improve the accuracy of differential diagnosis of intracranial lesions.