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Author:( Jose Benito A ABRAHAM)

1.The effectiveness and safety of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) for solitary kidneys: A single-center experience.

Santok Glen Denmer R. ; Abraham Jose Benito A.

Philippine Journal of Urology 2015;25(2):33-38

2.Supine PCNL (sPCNL): Challenging the “standard” prone (pPCNL).

Jose Benito A. Abraham

Philippine Journal of Urology 2020;30(1):1-6

3.Laparoscopic ureteral reimplantation for a distal ureteral injury detected after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.

Justin Bradley Syling ; Ernesto L. Gerial Jr. ; Jose Benito A. Abraham

Philippine Journal of Urology 2022;32(2):84-88

4.Analysis of risk factors for pulmonary complications in patients undergoing Upper Pole Prone Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (uPPCNL): A single center experience.

Mark Oliver Christian Sebastian Amponin ; Jose Benito A. Abraham

Philippine Journal of Urology 2021;31(2):64-72

5.Clinical outcomes of removing the better functioning kidney during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy: A retrospective five-year single-center study.

Dinno Francis A. Mendiola ; Jose Benito A. Abraham ; Ernesto L. Gerial Jr.

Philippine Journal of Urology 2021;31(1):23-28

6.Analysis of clinical outcomes of Tubeless Standard-Sized PCNL (TSPCNL) for large volume renal stones: A single center retrospective study.

Maria Hilda Fe R. Hipolito ; Jose Benito A. Abraham

Philippine Journal of Urology 2020;30(2):106-112

7.Nephron-sparing surgery for bilateral sporadic giant angiomyolipomas.

Martin Joseph L. Alcaraz ; John Ivan S. Alonzo ; Jose Benito A. Abraham

Philippine Journal of Urology 2022;32(1):38-42

8.Clinical and pathological outcomes of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in a large volume center in the Philippines: A ten-year experience.

Noel T. Borromeo III ; Jose Benito A. Abraham ; Ernesto L. Gerial Jr.

Philippine Journal of Urology 2021;31(1):29-35

9.Comparative analysis of blood loss and transfusion requirements among patients with Staghorn Calculus undergoing Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy versus Open Stone Surgery in National Kidney and Transplant Institute: 2018-2019.

Rosa Jea A. Llanos ; Jose Benito A. Abraham

Philippine Journal of Urology 2023;33(1):12-18

10.The clinical safety and efficacy of upper pole access percutaneous nephrolithotomy (uPPCNL) for inferior pole stones.

Darnel Jasper O. Hurtado ; Jose Benito A. Abraham

Philippine Journal of Urology 2017;27(1):1-5

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