Mitsutsugu Ono ; Johei Sugiyama ; Yoshiro Morishita ; Naomichi Yamamoto ; Reizo Ishii
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1968;17(3):91-101
1290 townswomen aged from 4 to 76 participated in this experiment. All of them were measured on body height, body weight, skinfold (abdomen, back, upperarm) jumping reaction time, grip strength (right and left) timed vital capacity and forward flexibility. Some of them were measured on girth of upper arm, forearm, wrist, lower leg and ankle, chest girth, sitting height, backward flexibility and vertical jump beside above mentioned items.
Results were as follows.
1) Skinfold was increased with age. The highest degree of increase was obtained on abdomen, next on back, lowest on upper arm.
2) After 20 years old, ability of vertical jump was clearly reduced with age, but jumping reaction times were not so decreased.
3) Maximum vital capacity and timed (one second) vital capacity were decreased mark-edly, but ratio of one second V. C. and chest girth were not change after 20 years old.
4) After 20 years old no change was found on the girth of forearm but the grip strengthes were reduced strikingly.
5) Correlation between jumping reaction time and Rohrels's Index were not observed.
6) On the forward flexibility no change was found with age. No correlation between forward flexibility and skinfold was obtained.
7) After 20 years old backward flexibility was reduced with age, but among same age group the correlation between skinfold and backward flexibility was observed.
8) Highest value of body density, fat free mass weight (FFM) and FFM/height body×100 of were obtained in ages from 15 to 17, and after these ages they were reduced with age.