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Author:( Jiaxuan MAO)

1.Effects of interaction between dengue virus type 2-infected HUVECs and human CD4+T cells on the expression of adhesion molecules and immunosuppressive factors

Ke WANG ; Li ZUO ; Ni ZHANG ; Jing YUAN ; Weiying KONG ; Jiaxuan MAO ; Junhao CHEN

Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology 2017;37(6):449-456

2.Influences of interaction between dengue virus type 2-infected human umbilical vein endothelial cells and macrophages on major inflammatory cytokines

Tao LAI ; Li ZUO ; Yu LUO ; Jiaxuan MAO ; Junhao CHEN ; Enzheng ZHOU

Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology 2019;39(6):432-439

3.Influences of interaction between DENV-2-infected HUVECs and regulatory T cells on major inflam-matory cytokines

Junhao CHEN ; Li ZUO ; Jing YUAN ; Jiaxuan MAO ; Weiying KONG ; Tao LAI ; Yu LUO

Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology 2018;38(6):407-413

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