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Author:( Jiangxia MIAO)

1.Improving the quality of randomized controlled trials in Chinese herbal medicine, part II: control group design.

Zhaoxiang BIAN ; David MOHER ; Simon DAGENAIS ; Youping LI ; Liang LIU ; Taixiang WU ; Jiangxia MIAO

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2006;4(2):130-6

2.Improving the quality of randomized controlled trials in Chinese herbal medicine, part IV: applying a revised CONSORT checklist to measure reporting quality.

Zhaoxiang BIAN ; David MOHER ; Simon DAGENAIS ; Youping LI ; Taixiang WU ; Liang LIU ; Jiangxia MIAO ; Lisa SONG ; Huimin ZHANG

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2006;4(3):233-42

3.Quantitative analysis of the palatal features affected by digit-sucking habit using a laser scanning system.

Yingjie JI ; Lihong GE ; Jiangxia MIAO

West China Journal of Stomatology 2013;31(4):393-396

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