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Author:( Jenny Wong)

1.Border testimonials: patterns of AIDS awareness across the island of New Guinea.

Leslie Butt ; Jenny Munro ; Joanna Wong

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2004;47(1-2):65-76

2.Screening of endophytic fungi for biofuel feedstock production using palm oil mill effluent as a carbon source

Moritz Muller ; Edwin Sia Sien Aun ; Joanne Yeo Suan Hui ; Julie Wong Wei Ming ; Jenny Choo Cheng Yi ; Changi Wong

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2017;13(3):203-209

3.Effect of a powerpoint lecture vs video presentation on the knowledge and attitude on HIV among grade 9 public school students

Anne Margarette Canapi ; Jenny Wong ; Kris Ian Mendoza

Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines Journal 2017;18(1):27-35

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