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Author:( Jennie Musto)

1.An outbreak investigation of congenital rubella syndrome in Solomon Islands, 2013

Kara N Durski ; Carol Tituli ; David Ogaoga ; Jennie Musto ; Cynthia Joshua ; Alfred Dofai ; Jennie Leydon ; Eric Nilles

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2016;7(1):10-13

2.Vector-control response in a post-flood disaster setting, Honiara, Solomon Islands, 2014

Matthew Shortus ; Jennie Musto ; Hugo Bugoro ; Charles Butafa ; Alison Sio ; Cynthia Joshua

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2016;7(1):38-43

3.Mass poisoning after consumption of a hawksbill turtle, Federated States of Micronesia, 2010

Boris I Pavlin ; Jennie Musto ; Moses Pretrick ; Joannes Sarofalpiy ; Perpetua Sappa ; Siana Shapucy ; Jacobus Kool

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(1):25-32

4.An outbreak investigation of scrub typhus in Western Province, Solomon Islands, 2014

Michael Marks ; Cynthia Joshua ; Jenny Longbottom ; Katherine Longbottom ; Alison Sio ; Elliot Puiahi ; Greg Jilini ; John Stenos ; Tenneth Dalipanda ; Jennie Musto

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2016;7(1):6-9

5.Ongoing outbreak of dengue serotype-3 in Solomon Islands, January to May 2013

Nogareda Francisco ; Joshua Cynthia ; Sio Alison ; Shortus Matthew ; Dalipanda Tenneth ; Durski Kara ; Musto Jennie ; Puiahi Elliot ; Dofai Alfred ; Aaskov John

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2013;4(3):28-33

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