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Author:( J A M A Tan)

2.Bilateral Adrenal Histoplasmosis: Endoscopic Ultrasound – guided Fine Needle Aspiration as a Method of Diagnosis and Assessment

J Khairul Azhar ; H S G Jacqueline ; L K H Tony ; B H Tan ; J M Steven

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2011;66(5):504-506

3.Bilateral adrenal histoplasmosis: endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration as a method of diagnosis and assessment.

Azhar, J Khairul ; Jacqueline, H S G ; Tony, L K H ; Tan, B H ; Steven, J M

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2011;66(5):504-6

5.The use of traditional Chinese medicine among breast cancer patients: implications for the clinician.

Kar Yong WONG ; Ern Yu TAN ; Juliana J C CHEN ; Christine TEO ; Patrick M Y CHAN

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2014;43(2):74-78

6.Limiting the use of primary endocrine therapy in elderly women with breast cancer.

Shaun W Y CHAN ; Patrick M Y CHAN ; Melanie D W SEAH ; Juliana J C CHEN ; Ern Yu TAN

Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2014;43(9):469-472

7.Screening for Intermediate and Severe Forms of Thalassaemia in Discarded Red Blood Cells: Optimization and Feasibility

Elizabeth George ; Mei I Lai ; Lai Kuan Teh ; Rajesh Ramasamy ; Ern Huei Goh ; Kamalan Asokan ; J A M A Tan ; Maithili Vasudevan ; Sharon Low

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2011;66(5):429-434

9.Mobile Real-time Tracking of Acute Stroke Patients and Instant, Secure Inter-team Communication - the Join App.

Stephan A MUNICH ; Lee A TAN ; Danilo M NOGUEIRA ; Kiffon M KEIGHER ; Michael CHEN ; R Webster CROWLEY ; James J CONNERS ; Demetrius K LOPES

Neurointervention 2017;12(2):69-76

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