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Author:( Izzul, A.A.)

1.Vertical distribution of Aedes mosquitoes in multiple storey buildings in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Lau, K.W ; Chen, C.D ; Lee, H.L. ; Izzul, A.A ; Asri-Isa, M ; Zulfadli, M. ; Sofian-Azirun, M.

Tropical Biomedicine 2013;30(1):36-45

2.Biting behaviour of medically important mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Peninsular Malaysia

Chen, C.D. ; Wan-Norafikah, O. ; Nurin-Zulkifli, I.M. ; Faezah, K. ; Izzul, A.A. ; Abdullah, A.G. ; Lau, K.W. ; Norma-Rashid, Y. ; Sofian-Azirun, M.

Tropical Biomedicine 2017;34(1):199-211

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