A 49-year-old woman, Gravida 8 Para 8 (8007), came in due to vomiting and enlarging abdominal mass. Initial diagnosis was partial gut obstruction and acute kidney injury probably secondary to adenomyosis versus colonic pathology. Ultrasound showed adenomyosis but computed tomography scan showed a uterine mass with possible tumor rupture and mass effects. Emergency hysterectomy was done and showed an ill-defined endometrial mass with multiple areas of rupture. It was diagnosed with malignant but final histopathology revealed extensive adenomyosis with acute inflammation and necrosis with no malignancy identified. Unusual symptoms such as uterine rupture and mass effects can accompany adenomyosis, alongside typical signs like pain and bleeding. Ultrasound aided the diagnosis, although it missed uterine rupture, highlighting its limitations. Magnetic resonance imaging could have been useful. Ultimately, histopathology is the gold standard for diagnosing adenomyosis.