Kampo, the traditional Japanese Medicine, is an indispensable treatment methodology practiced by more than 70% of Japanese doctors. However, proper Kampo Medicine education for Japanese pharmacist still needs to be established. To better grasp how pharmacy students understand Kampo Medicine, we conducted a questionnaire survey with 1 st to 6 th year students at Kyushu University of Health and Welfare. The students answered that they were interested in Kampo Medicine (80.8%) and that Kampo education at college was a necessity (91.1%). Many (60.2%) of them were aware of their lack of Kampo medical knowledge, and 76.1% were willing to study it in future. In the free-written responses, some of the 1 st to 4 th year students wanted practical lessons in the handling of actual crude drugs. On the other hand, 5 th to 6 th year students wanted to know more about clinical evidence. A system of college education that meets these demands would surely boost post-graduate education in Kampo Medicine.