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Author:( Isamu EBIHARA)

1.Comprehensive studies on death in rural areas.


Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1990;38(6):1073-1083

2.Study on the Inhalative Allergy of Ciliae of Leaves

Isamu Ebihara ; A. Uchida

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1976;25(4):578-585

3.Alterations on Subpopulation and Functional Subsets of Lymphocytes in Peripheral Blood of Termite-exterminators Exposed to Organophosphates.

Masaki KAWAMI ; Isamu EBIHARA ; Masako KAWAMI

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1996;45(4):500-508

4.Case-Control Studies of Lung Cancer and Stomach Cancer Cases in Mountain Villages and Farming-Fishing Villages.

Jiro IWASAKI ; Isamu EBIHARA ; Akio UCHIDA ; Keiichi OGURA

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1992;41(2):92-102

5.Respiratory Troubles and Diseases caused by Farm Work (Farmer's Lung, etc.)

kiyoichi noda ; yukio konishi ; jirôkanno ; shôjirôizumi ; kiichi kaishio ; kôhei kameyama ; masanaga takato ; kôji isomura ; yuzuru kanbe ; eisuke kato ; akio uchida ; isamu ebihara ; shigeru nomura ; atsushi ueda ; akimasa miyamoto

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1978;27(1):1-4

6.Respiratory Troubles and Diseases caused by Farm Work

Kiyoichi Noda ; Yukio Konishi ; Jiro Kanno ; Shojiro Izumi ; Kiichi Kaishio ; Kohei Kameyama ; Masanaga Takato ; Koji Isomura ; Yuzuru Kanbe ; Eisuke Kato ; Isamu Ebihara ; Akio Uchida ; Atsushi Ueda ; Shigeru Nomura ; Akimasa Miyamoto

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1978;26(5):693-713

7.Respiratory Troubles and Diseases caused by Farm Work

kiyoichi noda ; yukio konishi ; jirôkanno ; shôji izumi ; kiichi kaishio ; shihoko sasaki ; kôhei kameyama ; masanaga takatô ; kôji isomura ; yuzuru kanbe ; eisuke katô ; akio uchida ; isamu ebihara ; shigeru nomura ; atsushi ueda ; akimasa miyamoto

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1979;28(1):1-5

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