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Author:( Irfan, A.)

2.A rare case of multiple cutaneous malignancies.


Brunei International Medical Journal 2011;7(4):211-214

5.Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Presenting with Intraluminal Tracheal Mass Symptoms

Irfan Mohamad ; Ali Haron

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2013;68(2):164-165

6.When the symptoms remain, the diagnosis may need a change: a missed foreign body

Vengatesh Rao ; Irfan Mohamad

Archives of Orofacial Sciences 2016;11(1):15-17

7.An Annual Audit Of The Ear Foreign Bodies in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia

AA Yaroko ; M Irfan

Malaysian Family Physician 2012;7(1):2-5

8.The louder the bigger: A case of jugular phlebectasia in a child

Irfan Mohamad ; Ramaprabah Kandiah

Malaysian Family Physician 2019;14(3):77-79

9.Pyoderma gangrenosum: A review.

Irfan Mahwish ; Tomecki Kenneth J

Journal of the Philippine Dermatological Society 2015;24(2):6-10

10.MJMS at the Dawn of Its Electronic Era

Wan Ilma Dewiputri ; Irfan Mohamad

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;18(1):1-5

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