2.A rare case of multiple cutaneous malignancies.
Brunei International Medical Journal 2011;7(4):211-214
Multiple primary malignancies of the upper aerodigestive tract occurring in the same patient are not commonly reported. The incidence varies from 1% to 20%. Second primary malignancy occurring at the same anatomical location is more common than those that arise from a distant location. We report a case of a 52-year-old Malay man who was previously treated for nasopharyngeal carcinoma with chemoradiotherapy and subsequently developed a basal cell carcinoma complicated by multiple recurrences and squamous cell carcinomas of the temporal region and the nose. Such an occurrence has not been previously reported in the literature.
3.Chronically blocked nose
Irfan MOHAMAD ; Chentilnathan PERIASAMY
Brunei International Medical Journal 2012;8(4):185-185
5.Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Presenting with Intraluminal Tracheal Mass Symptoms
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2013;68(2):164-165
Papillary thyroid carcinoma is a common thyroid
malignancy reported world wide. It affects females more
commonly in the 4th to 6th decades of life. The patients
usually present with a painless anterior neck mass and
occasionally with lymph node involvement. We report a case
of an elderly male who presented with hoarseness and
hemoptysis, which warranted bronchoscopy. Biopsy of the
intraluminal tracheal mass revealed the diagnosis of
papillary thyroid carcinoma. Computed tomography scan of
the neck confirmed the presence of the primary lesion in the right thyroid lobe with invasion into the adjacent trachea and esophagus.
6.When the symptoms remain, the diagnosis may need a change: a missed foreign body
Archives of Orofacial Sciences 2016;11(1):15-17
The unilateral nasal symptom should trigger a treating physician to a certain diagnosis. The differential
diagnosis includes foreign body, rhinolith and tumour. The chronicity of symptom helps a lot with the diagnosis.
Foreign body for example, tends to present with positive history of insertion, mainly by children or the acute
symptom of local infection. In the presence of prolonged symptom, rhinolith should be suspected especially when
the patient presents with pathognomonic nasal obstruction with foul smelly discharge. A referral should be made
for a nasoendoscopy evaluation whenever a rhinitis-like symptoms remain after a period of medical treatment for
allergy. We share a case of a missed diagnosis of a rhinolith after six years of symptoms.
Keywords: nose; obstruction; rhinolith; unilateral
7.An Annual Audit Of The Ear Foreign Bodies in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
Malaysian Family Physician 2012;7(1):2-5
Foreign bodies or objects in the ear are one of the most common problems encountered by otorhinolaryngologist (ORL)
with attendant complications, removal of which requires expertise. Patients with this problem who sought treatment in the otorhinolaryngology clinic of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) were studied for duration of one year from January 2010 to December 2010. Specifically, the clinical presentation, type of foreign body and management outcome were analysed. 72 patients were reviewed - 44 (61.1%) males and 28 (38.9%) females. The age range was one year to 75 years with 59.8% being children below 10 years old. Ear pain (56.9%) was recorded as the most common and persistent symptom and insects (54%) were the commonest foreign body encountered. 95% (69) of the foreign bodies were removed under clinic setting with only three (4.2%) cases requiring general anaesthesia. Post-removal complications were noted in only
one patient (1.4%). Repeated attempts by untrained personnel should be avoided and timely referral is vital to avoid undesirable complications.
8.The louder the bigger: A case of jugular phlebectasia in a child
Irfan Mohamad ; Ramaprabah Kandiah
Malaysian Family Physician 2019;14(3):77-79
Jugular phlebectasia has been increasingly recognised with the advent of non-invasive diagnostic
methods. Phlebectasia differs from varix, as it is an abnormal outward dilatation of a vein without
tortuosity. It presents as a soft, compressible mass, apparent upon straining or execution of the
Valsalva maneuver. The differentials for neck masses are broad, but if the swelling appears on the
Valsalva maneuver, the type of mass narrows down to a laryngocele, superior mediastinal mass or
phlebectasia. A simple non-invasive investigation, such as ultrasonography, is used as a diagnostic
tool. We report a case of jugular phlebectasia that was suspected clinically and confirmed via
ultrasound to be a vascular lesion which changed its size upon straining.
9.Pyoderma gangrenosum: A review.
Irfan Mahwish ; Tomecki Kenneth J
Journal of the Philippine Dermatological Society 2015;24(2):6-10
BACKGROUND: Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an uncommon neutrophilic dermatosis typically characterized by painful cutaneous ulceration's with hermorrhagic and purulent crust. PG has several different variants that often delay correct diagnosis. Clinical appearance and histopathology should suggest the diagnosis and exclude other diseases with similar ulceration's. The course of the disease is variable, often chronic, and occasionally severe and progressive. PG is frequently associated with other inflammatory diseases, most often inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Management can be challenging, with immunosuppression as the mainstay of treatment.
Human ; Immunosuppression ; Inflammatory Bowel Diseases ; Pyoderma Gangrenosum ; Skin Ulcer ; Sweet Syndrome
10.MJMS at the Dawn of Its Electronic Era
Wan Ilma Dewiputri ; Irfan Mohamad
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;18(1):1-5
This special editorial assessed the recent developments in Malaysian Journal of Medical
Sciences (MJMS) and examined the characteristics of the submission, peer review, and publication
processes for MJMS. This retrospective analysis used information about the manuscripts submitted
to MJMS during the one-year period (from 1 June 2010 to 31 May 2010) since the start of current
online submission and review system (ScholarOneTM Manuscripts, Thomson Reuters). In addition,
we also discussed the future directions of MJMS. Finally, we would like to recommend an annual
internal audit for MJMS, which is very useful to monitor the growth of this journal progressively.