1.Psychoneuroimmunological Markers of Psychological Intervention in Pediatric Cancer: A Systematic Review and New Integrative Model
Idyatul HASANAH ; Nursalam NURSALAM ; Ilya KRISNANA ; Wawan F. RAMDANI ; Zikrul HAIKAL ; Tita ROHITA
Asian Nursing Research 2023;17(3):119-137
Pediatric cancer is a serious problem and still becomes a global challenge today. Various complex stressors due to diagnosis, disease symptoms, and various side-effects from the treatment that children with cancer undergo will cause problems in the child's psychoneuroimmunological aspects. Psychological interventions designed to modulate the stress response include psychoneuroimmunological markers. Unfortunately, there is little evidence to support the effect of psychological interventions on psychoneuroimmunological markers. This systematic review aims to assess the effectiveness of psychological interventions on psychoneuroimmunological markers in children with cancer and to provide a new integrative model for further research.
This systematic review uses four main databases (Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest). The guideline used Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). Selecting articles used the Rayyan application. The quality study was conducted using Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)'s critical appraisal tools. The data were analyzed using the population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and study design (PICO) Synthesis based on similarities and differences in study characteristics to interpret the results.
The search results in this systematic review found 1653 articles, 21 of which matched the predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most of the designs used were randomized controlled trials (57.1%). Massage therapy was the most common type of psychological intervention (14.2%). Almost half of the studies measured psychological responses (38.0%), and psycho-physiological responses (42.9%), and only a small proportion assessed the effectiveness of psychological interventions on neuroimmunological markers in pediatric cancer.
We recommend the use of psychological interventions as an additional intervention in managing psychoneuroimmunological markers of pediatric cancer. This study offers a new integrative model demonstrating the interaction between stress and psychological intervention involving neuroendocrine and immune mechanisms. However, future researchers need to test all domains of these new integrative models. This will reveal the complex interactions among these components and understand their relevance to health outcomes.
2.Development of Discharge Planning Instruments Based on Patient Family-Centered Care in the COVID-19 Inpatient Room, Universitas Airlangga Hospital, Surabaya
Yogo Apriyanto ; Nursalam Nursalam ; Alfian Nur Rosyid ; Tintin Sukartini ; Rizki Fitryasari ; Ilya Krisnana
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.2):95-103
Introduction: The current era of the COVID-19 pandemic requires innovation in the provision of discharge planning
by involving family members through the media safely and effectively. This study aimed to develop a discharge planning instrument based on patient family-centered care. Method: Research design Research and Development. The
sampling technique used purposive sampling with a total sample of 110 medical record documents, 23 focus group
discussion participants, and 2 experts (expert consultation). Data were collected through observation sheets, focus
group discussions, and expert consultations. Data analysis using descriptive analysis, and validity test using I-CVI.
Results: Development of a patient family centered care-based discharge planning instrument at the beginning of the
patient’s admission (admission), namely sorting and adding assessment items to the level of knowledge of the disease, information and education needs, values, and beliefs, cultural background as well as physical and psychological. During treatment, namely arranging and sorting discharge planning items, providing information and education
according to the assessment results using a media approach and the method according to the COVID-19 pandemic
protocol. Towards home that is adding items; readiness or environmental conditions (environment), referral plans
(Outpatient referral), and continued treatment while at home (Medication). Conclusion: The developed instrument
tested is valid. As a result of this development, the new instrument can be tested and applied, and researched in the
next stage on the outcomes of patient family-centered care.