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Author:( Ignacio Ma. Socorro E.)

1.Adequacy of Food Aid Packs Provided during Natural Disasters: A Provincial Case Study

Katrina G. Gomez ; Ma. Socorro E. Ignacio

Acta Medica Philippina 2020;54(5):472-478

2.Partnership for health development through the field practice.

Guevarra Jonathan P. ; Oidem Maribel G. ; Estrada Josue Antonio G. ; Bertuso Arlene G. ; Borja Maridel P. ; Bullecer Ernani R. ; de Guzman Teresita S. ; Leonardo Lydia R. ; Molina Victorio B. ; Yanga-Mabunga Ma. Susan T. ; Castillo Eleonor C. ; Hernandez Paul Michael R. ; Ignacio Ma. Socorro E. ; Javier Richard S. ; Pinlac Paul Adrian V. ; Roxas Evalyn A.

Acta Medica Philippina 2014;48(3):79-83

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