1.COVID-19 in Sudan: Response towards Control and Prevention
Taha Hussein Musa ; Haitham Mohamed EL Bingawi ; Idriss Hussein Musa ; Layla Ahmed Mohammed ; Mohamed Abdelrahman Arbab ; Hassan Hussein Musa
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2020;75(4):403-405
The first novel coronavirus case was reported on December 2019,
in Wuhan, China (Xu et al., 2020), named by WHO as SARS-CoV2 and the causing disease as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID2019). The genome sequence revealed that the virus is belongs to
the beta-coronavirus group, sharing ancestry with bat coronavirus
HKU9-1, similar to SARS-coronaviruses.1 The number of cases
has increased within few weeks, and later spread beyond the China
border.2 The epidemic of COVID-19 began in Africa later than
other regions globally, perhaps, because of the limited international
air traffic, rather than the climate conditions. In Africa, the first
cases were reported in early March 2020 in Egypt, followed by
Algeria, and Sudan.3
Sudan is located in the north-eastern Africa it occupies 1.882.000
million km square, making it third-largest country in Africa, and
16th in the world, with a population of over 40 million people.4
Khartoum is the capital which is the main international air travel
hub. Khartoum is considered the epi centre of majority of reported
and imported COVID-19 cases. In this letter we describe the
impact of COVID 19 in Sudan; highlighting the response towards
COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges towards possible control
and prevention the outbreak