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Author:( Hung The Nguyen)

1.Application of some method for diagnosing allergy to discover the bronchial asthma to house dust mite

Hung The Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;383(6):36-39

2.Preliminary study on chemical components and pharmacological effects of Loranthus parasiticus (L.) Merr

Hung The Nguyen

Pharmaceutical Journal 2002;318(10):12-15

3.Clinical and histological features in 11 cases of castlemen

Hung Phi Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2002;227(10):56-60

4.Remarks on the surgical techniques for treating deltoid fibrosis

Hung Ngoc Nguyen

Journal of Surgery 2007;57(3):26-32

5.Contracture of the shoulder adduction caused by fibrous long head of triceps muscle in children

Hung Ngoc Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2007;49(3):60-64

6.Study of intestinal villi morphology in fetus with scanning electronic microscopy

Hung Ngoc Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2002;18(2):24-28

7.A cases of the intraocular trauma with extraordinary foreign body

Hung Quoc Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;263(9):146-147

8.Changes of PaO2 and PaCO2 in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Hung Ba Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2000;392(12):24-26

9.Changes of electrocardiogram and risk factors of tobacco in patients with the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Hung Ba Nguyen

Journal of Practical Medicine 2001;395(3):27-30

10.Evaluating ferkel\u2019s technique to treatment congenital muscular torticollis in children

Hung Ngoc Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(1):68-73

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