1.Low dose gabapentin abolishes ipsilateral tinnitus after peripheral facial palsy: A case report and literature review
Neurology Asia 2012;17(3):255-258
A unilateral tinnitus occurred at right ear in a hypertensive and diabetic woman shortly after an ipsilateral
peripheral facial palsy. Audiometric tests showed a predominant sensorineural hearing impairment at
right ear. Her tinnitus was abolished after an administration of a low dose of gabapentin. In view of a
controversy of gabapentin and tinnitus in previous trials, the fi ndings in this patient support that low
dose gabapentin can benefi t specifi cally the subgroup of tinnitus patient with sensorineural impairment
due to secondary contributing factor.
2.Varicella-zoster virus and exertional headache: Evidence of viral vasculopathy in Valsalva maneuver-related headache syndrome
Wei-Hsi Chen ; Cheng-Huei Peng ; Chun-Chung Lui ; Hsin-Ling Yin
Neurology Asia 2011;16(4):345-348
Exertional headache is one entity of Valsalva maneuver-related headache syndrome. It is usually
idiopathic, but has occasionally been reported to be associated with secondary causes. However,
central nervous system infection has not been mentioned before. We encountered a young man who
suffered an isolated exertional headache and was found to have an active varicella-zoster virus central
nervous system infection without typical intracranial hypertension or outfl ow obstruction. Intracranial
vasoconstriction was detected during headache when the patient performed acute lifting or heavy
exertion. The fi ndings in this patient suggest a specifi c relationship between varicella-zoster virus-related
vasculopathy and exertional headache from other Valsalva maneuver-related headache syndrome