This paper gives a report on a new species of paragonimus in MT.Wuyishan,Fujian province during 1978 to 1983.All the type are deposited in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Fujian province.Holotype body short-oval,12.5 by 7.0mm,ratio of width to length 1:1.79.Ovary 2.0×2.13mm in size,the third class branches.Testes big,2.5 by 3.75mm(left) and 2.0 by 4.75mm(right)in size,as piece-shapy,only 2 litter branches,being much larger than the ovary.cuticular spines slender,sing in arrangement.Matacercaria obtained from the fresh-water crab,Sinopotamon fujianensis Dai et Chen,1979,measuring 395 by 410 micra,its cyst wall sing ,only 3-5 micra.Basing on the characteristic features mentioned above,This worm found by us differs fromP.westermani,P.skrijabini,P.macrorchis,P.mingqingensis and Euparagonimus cenopiosus,and can be considered as a new species of Paragonimus.