Taylor’s spatial frame (TSF) and Ilizarov external fixators
(IEF) are two circular external fixator commonly used to
address complex deformity and fractures. There is currently
no data available comparing the biomechanical properties
of these two external fixators. This study looks into the
mechanical characteristics of each system. TSF rings with
6 oblique struts, 4 tube connectors, 4 threaded rods, and
6 threaded rods were compared to a standard IEF rings
with 4 threaded rods. Compression and torsional loading
was performed to the frame as well as construct with
Polyvinylchloride tubes. TSF rings with 4 tube connectors
had the highest stiffness (3288 N/mm) while TSF rings
with 6 struts was the least stiff. The situation was reversed
for torsion where TSF rings with 6 oblique struts had the
highest torsional stiffness (82.01 Nm/Degree) and frame
Ilizarov rings with 4 threaded rods the least. Standard TSF
construct of two ring with 6 oblique struts have better
torsional stiffness and lower axial stiffness compared to
the standard IEF.
Ilizarov Technique