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Author:( Hongchi JIANG)

1.Necessary consideration in the training process for digestive surgeons

Hongchi JIANG

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2016;15(1):16-17

2.Essential qualities of surgeons in digestive surgery

Hongchi JIANG

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2014;13(1):5-7

3.Present status of the treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injury

Hongchi JIANG ; Xian JIANG

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2009;8(6):401-403

4.The development and innovation of the splenic surgery

Hongchi JIANG ; Dan LI

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2016;15(7):655-657

5.Rational selection and technical points of bilioenterostomy

Hongchi JIANG ; Mingqi GU

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2017;16(4):345-348

6.The advances and trends in the management of liver trauma

Zhengtian LI ; Hongchi JIANG

Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery 2012;18(1):69-72

7.Prognostic factors after resection for hepatocellular carcinoma in non-impaired livers

Huayang PAN ; Hongchi JIANG

Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery 2012;18(4):318-320

8.Key points in splenectomy for massive splenomegaly

Hongchi JIANG ; Chaoyang LU

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2009;8(1):75-77

9.Challenges and thoughts on precise hepatectomy

Hongchi JIANG ; Lianxin LIU

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2011;10(1):4-5

10.Diagnosis and management of iatrogenic choledocho-pancre-atico-duodenal junction injury

Hongchi JIANG ; Huayang PAN

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery 2013;(1):10-12

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