1.The situations on chromosomes and dermatoglyphics of 19 children with congenital malformation at the Oloppalme hospital
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2000;254(12):10-17
19 children at the age from 2 days to 15 years old includes: 15 females, 3 males and 1 hermaphrodite: - The clinical examinations, health records, analysis of chromosomes and dermatoglyphics shown that : In 5 cases with chromosomal aberrations: + 3 cases down (2: trisomi 21 and 1 down translocation D/G) + 1 case with symtoms of male turn (chromosome Y chromosome F)+1 case hermaphrodite, karyotyp 46, XY, with muti- malformations and female phenotype. -The analysis of acrocentric- chromonomal association shown that: +Frequency of acrocentric- chromosomal associations: 62% + Frequency of acrocentric- chromosomal associations per cell: 1.18. + The means of chromosomal association: 2.13. +Frequencies of gaps, isogaps, chromosomal aberrations, chromatid aberrations are the same in comparision with the other researchers. + In all of three patients with limb malformations, there are abnormalities in dermatoglyphics
2.Studying clinical and cytogenetic characteristics of the patients with Turner syndrome
Journal of Medical Research 2005;39(6):31-36
Turner syndrome is the most common gender chromosome abnormalities. The sooner treatment have the more effective it is. Objectives: 1. Analysing clinical characteristics of patients with Turner syndrome; 2. Analysing characteristics chromosomes and Barr bodies of patients with Turner syndrome. Methods: 38 females patients were analysed for chromosomes and Barr bodies at the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics-Hanoi Medical University. Results: Clinical characteristics: 29/38 patients at ages >=13; 37/38 patients have short stature; 29/29 patients (ages >=13) have short stature, sexual infantilism and lack of secondary sexual characteristics; 12/12 patients (ages >18) who are in primary amenorrhea. Cytogenetics: 20/38 patients have karyotype 45,X; Barr body (-); 3/38: 46,X,i(Xq); Barr bodies (+). 15/38 patients have Turner syndrome mosaicism: 45,x/46,XX; 45,x/47,XXX; 45,x/46,X,i(Xq); 45,x/46,XY. Conclusion: Almost pattients were diagnosed Turner syndrome after the age of puberty. Types of karyotype: 20/38 patients: 45,X; 3/38: 46,X,i(Xq); 15/38: Turner syndrome mosaicism with 2 cell lines: 1 line is 45,X and the other is either normal or abnormal.
Turner Syndrome, Cytogenetics
3.Analysis of cytogenetic nature in 21 children with undescended testes
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;503(2):29-31
Study on 21 children with bilaterally or unilaterally undescended testes at Vietnam National hospital of Pediatrics. These children were from 6 months to 15 years old, 90,5% of them was ≥ 3 years old. There wasn’t any disorder in quantity and structure of chromosome in all patients. They were analysed Barr bodies and results were nagative. The results were correspond to karyotyp 46, XY All patients had coresponding in clinical diagnosis and cytogenetic test diagnosis
4.Analysing result of cytogenetic tests in 24 patients with hypospadias in comparison with clinical and surgical diagnosis
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;503(2):33-35
Analysing cytogenetic charateristics of 24 patients with hypospadias in Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics from January to December 1998, comparing with clinical and surgical diagnosis. 3 children were found with chromosomal aberrations. All these children had peripheral hypospadias , 2 out of 3 children had bilateral undescend testes, 1 child had unilateral undescend testes. Chromosomal test found that: 1 child had mosaicism 46,XX(90%)/47XXY(10%); Barr bodies 8%, 2 children had 46,XX males, 1 out of these 2 children had plastic surgery for male urethra. The results of Barr bodies tests were corresponded to karyotypes. If karyotype is 46,XY, Barr bodies tests are negative; if karyotype is 46,XX, Barr bodies tests are positive
5.Overweight/obesity status and related factors among adults aged 50-59 in urban Hanoi
Hoan Van Pham ; Anh Thi Lan Phan
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;1(17):20-26
Background: many studies showed that obesity rate was significantly higher in women than in men and 60-80% of overweight/obesity caused by diet. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City were two of 10 provinces that had the highest rates of obesity. Objectives: to determine the actual rate of overweight/obesity and describe some related factors among Hanoians aged 50-59. Subjectives and Method: a cross sectional survey within a case-control study. The study was carried out in 14 wards under 7 districts of urban Hanoi. Body fat percentage was measured by machine Omron (Japan). Overweight/obesity evaluations were based on classification scales of WHO 1998 and IDI&WPRO 2000. Results: the mean rate of overweight/obesity was 23.1% (26.2% in women vs. 21.9% in men). The rate of women with waist to hip ratio >0.85 (39.83%) was higher than that in male (29.38%). Proportions of body fat percentage greater than 30% were 58.40% in female and 40.06% in male. Overweight/obesity was closely related with sedentary lifestyle, such as spending less time for exercise and sports, high food expenditures, etc. It was found that people with overweight or obese family members were 3 times at risk of overweight/obesity higher /than others. That rates of overweight/obese people with elevated level of biomarkers were composed of 48.99% with high blood cholesterol (>5.2mmol/l); 9.69% with blood glucose (\ufffd?.0mmol/l); especially 65.33% with high triglyceride (>1.7mmol/l); 7.22% with low HDL-C (<1.15 mmol/l); and 8.23% with high LDL-C (\ufffd?.00mmol/l). Conclusions: rate of overweight/obesity among Hanoians aged 50-59 was relatively high. Some related factors were described: waist to hip ratio, body fat percentage, sedentary lifestyle, such as spending less time for exercise and sports, high food expenditures, etc.
Risk Factors
Middle Aged
6.Separation and identification of glycoprotein in human serum of Fragile X syndrome
Anh Thi Lan Luong ; Hoan Thi Phan ; Phuong Thi Minh Nguyen ; Dung Tien Nguyen ; Chi Van Phan
Journal of Medical Research 2008;59(6):22-28
Background: Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation. The absence of Fragile X Mental Retardation (FMRP) in Fragile X syndrome changes other proteins. Objective: To detect changes of glycoprotein in human serum of Fragile X syndrome. Subject and methods: Affinity chromatography with lectin concanavalin A (ConA) used to receive glycoprotein. The collected glycoprotein was then separated using 2-D electrophoresis. The protein spots were further excised, trypsin digested, and analyzed by nano LC couple with ESI-MS/MS and identified by MASCOT v1.8 software. Results and conclusion: 5 glycoproteins showed the different expression levels in the serum of Fragile X syndrome. Haptoglobin, Ig-J were increased and ceruloplasmin, transferring, Ig kappa were decreased. Using affinity chromatography with lectin concanavalin A (ConA), glycoprotein was received and divided on 2 ways electrokinetic chromatography. The mixture protein was identified with a reliability of 99.5% by 2 ways liquid chromatography combined with continuous spectrum mass.
Fragile X syndrome
Fragile X Mental Retardation
7.Prenatal diagnosis of turner syndrome
Tho Quynh Nguyen ; Lan Thu Hoang ; Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Hoan Thi Phan ; Cuong Danh Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2008;0(1):38-43
Background/Introduction:The proportion of TS \u2013 Q96 ranges from 1/1500 \u2013 1.300 female newborns and about 3% of fetuses. In most of the world, TS can be diagnosed and treated at the early stages of pregnancies. In Vietnam, TS patients are frequently detected at the later stages with serious syndromes. TS diagnosis mainly relies on chromosomal analysis of amnion cells. Thus, prenatal diagnosis of TS is the rationale of this study.\r\n', u'Objectives: Utilize chromosomal analysis and FISH methods to diagnose Turner syndrome from amnion cells. \r\n', u'Subject and method: 30 pregnancies (from week 14-22) with high risks of TS, which were detected by ultrasound scan and triple test, 15 mil amnio fluid is withdrawn for the FISH technique from interphase amniocytes and amnio cultures, chromosomal analysis from metaphase cultured cells. \r\n', u'Results/Outcomes: Chromosomal analysis and FISH analysis give the same results: - 12/30 fetus with TS, 5/30 fetus with normal female results, \u2013 4/30 fetus with normal male normal results, \u2013 4/30 fetus with Down syndrome, \u2013 5/30 fetus with Edward syndrome. 11/12 TS fetus have large cystic hygromas, 9/11 cystic hygromas are separated. 12/12 TS fetus have triple test (+) with the threshold: APF \u2264 0.7 MoM, HCG \u2265 2 MoM, uE3 \u2264 0.7 MoM.\r\n', u'Conclusion:Chromosonal analysis and FISH are standards for diagnosing TS fetus. FISH can provide a quick result (48-72h). \r\n', u'
Turner syndrome (TS)
Fluorescence in site hybridization (FISH)
8.Prenatal diagnosis by FISH technique in fetal cystic hygromas
Tho Thi Quynh Nguyen ; Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Hoan Thi Phan ; Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Lan Thu Hoang ; Cuong Danh Tran ; Giang Truong Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2008;59(6):17-22
Background: Cystic hygromas is a common abnormal event in obstetrics ultrasound, which is induced by a chromosome disorder; it is also one of the major causes inducing fetus\u2019s congenital malformation. Objective: Determining chromosomal aberration in nuchal cystic hygromas by FISH technique and outcomes the value of factors in prognosis fetuses with cystic hygroma. Subject and methods: 53 fetuses with cystic hygroma, which are detected by ultrasound scan, are analyzed by FISH technique. Compare results of FISH, band G chromosomal analysis, ultrasonographic abnormalities, followed the fetuses. Results: Chromosomal and FISH analysis give the same detection: abnormal chromosomes: 75.46%, the highest rate is Turner syndrome: 50.94%, normal chromosome: 24.53%. Abnormal chromosomal fetuses: multi-malformation, grim prognosis. Cystic hygroma with other malformation in scan: high rate chromosomal aberrations and septated hygroma, Turner syndrome fetuses have large cystic hygroma, 4/6 fetuses with normal chromosome and without other abnormal result scan have resolutions of hygroma in the second trimester, normal birth. Conclusions: Abnormal chromosomes: 75.46%. Prognosis is grim: abnormal chromosomes, other malformations in scan, large cystic, septated hygroma. Prognosis is better: normal chromosomes, without other ultrasonographic abnormalities, small cystic, nonseptated hygroma, resolution of cystic hygroma.
cystic hygroma
FISH technique
9.Lanostane Triterpenoids from Ganoderma tropicum Collected in Vietnam and Their Nitroblue Tetrazolium Reductive Activity In Vitro
Nguyen Thi DUYEN ; Nguyen Minh KHOI ; Phan Nguyen TRUONG THANG ; Duong Minh TAN ; Tran Viet HUNG ; Do Thi HA
Natural Product Sciences 2020;26(4):334-339
A new compound, 3β-acetoxylanosta-7,9(11),24-triene-26-al (3), and seven known compounds (1 – 2 and 4 – 8) were isolated from Ganoderma tropicum (Jung.) Bres. collected in Tay Nguyen, Vietnam. The structures of these compounds were determined by one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and high-resolution ESI-MS, and by comparison with literature data. All of the isolated compounds were tested for nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae-stimulated RAW 246.7 cells. Among them, compounds 2 – 4 and 6 – 8 enhanced the NBT reduction in a dose-dependent manner.
10.Lanostane Triterpenoids from Ganoderma tropicum Collected in Vietnam and Their Nitroblue Tetrazolium Reductive Activity In Vitro
Nguyen Thi DUYEN ; Nguyen Minh KHOI ; Phan Nguyen TRUONG THANG ; Duong Minh TAN ; Tran Viet HUNG ; Do Thi HA
Natural Product Sciences 2020;26(4):334-339
A new compound, 3β-acetoxylanosta-7,9(11),24-triene-26-al (3), and seven known compounds (1 – 2 and 4 – 8) were isolated from Ganoderma tropicum (Jung.) Bres. collected in Tay Nguyen, Vietnam. The structures of these compounds were determined by one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and high-resolution ESI-MS, and by comparison with literature data. All of the isolated compounds were tested for nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae-stimulated RAW 246.7 cells. Among them, compounds 2 – 4 and 6 – 8 enhanced the NBT reduction in a dose-dependent manner.