1.Laboratory contact and topical evaluations of household disinfectants against house dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae (Acari:
Suhaili, Z.A. ; Mariana, A. ; Ho, T.M. ; Azima, L.H.
Tropical Biomedicine 2016;33(4):847-852
The contact and topical activity of two household disinfectants containing
chloroxylenol and benzyl chlorophenol against, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and
Dermatophagoides farinae mites were evaluated in the laboratory. For contact activity, 30
adult mites were placed for 24 hrs on Whatman No. 1 filter paper impregnated with disinfectant.
For topical activity, each disinfectant was directly applied to individual body of all 30 dust
mites and observed for 24hrs. All treatments were replicated 12 times. Chloroxylenol
disinfectant was found to be more effective compared to benzyl chlorophenol disinfectant in
killing pyroglyphid mites.
2.Antigenic profile of Blomia tropicalis, Aleuroglyphus ovatus and Glycycometus malaysiensis
Tang, J.C. ; Wong, S.F.* ; Mak, J.W. ; Ho, T.M.
Tropical Biomedicine 2011;28(2):223-236
House dust mites and storage mites are well-known causes for allergenic diseases.
The aim of this study was to investigate the immunogenic sites of Blomia tropicalis,
Aleurogyphus ovatus and Glycycometus malaysiensis. The mites were maintained in a
culture medium at 25ºC and 75% relative humidity. Mites were harvested either with heat
escape or floatation method, purified, homogenized, quantified and used for the production of
polyclonal antibody and immunostaining. For each species of mites, five male mice and five
male rats were randomly selected and immunized intraperitoneally with respective crude
mite extract at two-weekly intervals. Blomia tropicalis, A. ovatus or G. malaysiensis whole
mites and paraffin-embedded mite sections were immunostained with the respective polyclonal
antibody. The faecal pellets of mites were intensely stained for all the three species in the
present study. The legs of sectioned A. ovatus were not immunogenic as compared with
those of G. malaysiensis and B. tropicalis. The outer layer (cuticle) of whole mites and the
eggs for these species were very immunogenic. Hence, the polyclonal antibodies obtained in
this study may serve as potential tools in detecting the eggs and immature mites in
environmental samples. Future studies should focus on the antigenic components of eggs
since they were relatively abundant in dust and highly antigenic as seen in the present study.
3.Scanning electron micrographs of medically important dust mite, Suidasia pontifica (Acari: Astigmata: Saproglyphidae) in Malaysia
Ahamad, M.* ; Louis, S.R. ; Hamid, Z. ; Ho, T.M.
Tropical Biomedicine 2011;28(2):275-282
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of dust mites, Suidasia pontifica, is
presented to provide an improved visualization of the taxonomic characters of these mites.
Suidasia pontifica can easily be identified by its scale-like cuticle, presence of external
vertical setae (ve), longer external scapular setae (sce) compared to internal scapular setae
(sci) and 3 ventral spines on apex of tarsus I. The differences in morphology of male and
female S. pontifica are also discussed.
4.Sero-prevalence study of IgE responses to allergens from Malaysian house dust (HDM) and storage mites (SM)
Chong, K.T., Wong, S.F., Mak, J.W., Loh, L.C., Ho, T.M.
Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(3):524-539
Allergens of Dermatophagoides and Blomia species are well-characterized but
not for other species. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of allergic
sensitization to house dust (HDM) and storage mites (SM). One hundred adult subjects (aged
> 18) were recruited. The mite specific IgE of all allergic subjects were higher compared with
healthy subjetcs despite being not statistically significant except for D. farinae and G.
malaysiensis. The mean serum IgE levels against HDM and SM for allergic subjects were
significantly higher compared with those in healthy subjects. They were mainly sensitized to
Dermatophagoides farinae (35%) and Glycycometus malaysiensis (37%). Immunoblots revealed
not all allergic subjects showed positive immuno-reactivity against the mites tested. Single or
multiple bands were observed for different species. The subjects were commonly sensitized
to Group 2 (9-12 kDa), 10 (38 kDa) and 18 (40-48 kDa) allergens. Twenty-one out of 60 allergic
subjects were sensitized to either one or more species. The majority of them (71%) were
sensitized to single species. The allergic subjects were mainly sensitized to D. pteronyssinus,
followed by Tyrophagus putrecentiae and Aleuroglyphus ovatus. Seven were solely sensitized
to HDM while 10 were solely sensitized to SM. Four subjects were sensitized to both. Preadsorption
study revealed no cross-reactivity. There was difference between the prevalence
and reactivity to allergens of HDM and SM in these subjects. Both ELISA and immunoblot did
not correlate well but can complement each other in improving the detection of mite allergens
to the species level.
5.Morphology of Glycycometus malaysiensis, a domestic mite in Malaysia
Ling, S.J. ; Wong, S.F. ; Mak, J.W. ; Ho, T.M.
Tropical Biomedicine 2019;36(1):263-273
Glycycometus malaysiensis is an allergenic domestic mite found in houses. G.
malaysiensis is known to be highly similar to and is often mistaken as Blomia tropicalis, one
of the major house dust mite species that causes asthma and allergic diseases in many
tropical and subtropical regions. It was also suggested that these mites cross-react with each
other and that the prevalence of G. malaysiensis might be higher than previous reports. A
review on the taxonomic keys as well as light and scanning electron micrographs of G.
malaysiensis are presented to appreciate the fine morphological structures of G. malaysiensis.
The mouth, setae, legs (trochanter, femur, genu, tibia and tarsus) and the sexual organs
(genital openings, genital setae and genital suckers) of G. malaysiensis are outlined. The
morphology of G. malaysiensis is also compared with that of B. tropicalis to delineate the
key features for the differentiation between these two mite species.