1.Internal Shunt Sheath for IABP to Maintain the Lower Limb Perfusion.
Hisashi SATOH ; Makoto SAKURAI ; Taizo HIRAISHI ; Yoshiyuki FUDEMOTO ; Tohru KOBAYASHI
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(3):304-308
IABP has been widely used as a circulatory assist device since introduction of the percutaneous insertion method. However, vascular complications associated with IABP have remained a high incidence. We developed a new sheath for IABP insertion to maintain the lower limb perfusion in the patients with tortuous or stenotic iliofemoral arteries. The new sheath has an internal diameter of 12Fr, an outer diameter of 14Fr and has 10 side holes which serve as an internal shunt. The new sheath used for IABP presented good lower limb perfusion in three patients with tortuous or stenotic iliac arteries who presented limb ischemia with an ordinary IABP sheath. The internal shunt sheath may also be useful for diagnosis of lower limb perfusion by injection of contrast medium into a side port of the sheath in cases of leg ischemia suspected after insertion of IABP.
2.Surgical Treatment for Papillary Muscle Rupture after Myocardial Infarction with Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia
Katsukiyo Kitabayashi ; Keiwa Kin ; Takashi Shibuya ; Hisashi Satoh
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2008;37(2):140-143
We report an operative case of papillary muscle rupture after myocardial infarction with sustained ventricular tachycardia. A 56-year-old man referred to our emergency room in shock. Emergency CAG showed total occlusion of the left circumflex artery, in which we placed a metallic stent. Even after re-canalization of the coronary artery was achieved, circulation was unstable. IABP and PCPS were used to maintain the systemic circulation. Trans-esophageal echocardiography showed papillary muscle rupture and massive mitral regurgitation. Under total cardiopulmonary bypass and cardiac arrest, we performed mitral valve replacement with a 27mm SJM mechanical valve. PCPS was continued after surgical treatment because of pulmonary congestion. Since the patient's circulation and respiratory function improved, PCPS and IABP were removed on postoperative days 3 and 5. However, after removal of IABP, ventricular tachycardia appeared and IABP, PCPS were re-inserted. After adequate medication with Amiodarone and Carbedirol, ventricular tachycardia was controlled. PCPS and IABP were then removed uneventfully on postoperative days 14 and 19.
3.Debranching Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair for Kommerell's Diverticulum with Right-Sided Aortic Arch
Takaya NAKAGAWA ; Hajime MATSUE ; Yasuo SUEHIRO ; Hisashi UEMURA ; Ayaka SATOH ; Hisashi SATOH
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2023;52(3):181-184
We report a case of debranching thoracic endovascular aortic repair for Kommerell's diverticulum with right-sided aortic arch in 78-year-old women. The computed tomography (CT) demonstrated Kommerell's diverticulum with a right-sided aortic arch and the trachea and esophagus were compressed by the diverticulum. The diverticulum had a maximum diameter of 32 mm, and surgical intervention was chosen because of the aneurysmal change and the possibility of rupture. We performed endovascular aortic repair for Kommerell's diverticulum with a right-sided aortic arch because of low lung function and low frailty. The patient was discharged on the 21st postoperative day. There was no evidence of aortic event during 2 years follow up.
4.A Rare Case of Intramyocardial Lipoma
Kazuhiko Ishimaru ; Hiroto Iwasaki ; Toru Ishizaka ; Hisashi Satoh ; Takashi Shintani ; Takashi Shibuya
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(6):325-327
A 72-year-old woman was admitted with a sensation of compression and shortness of breath. A mass was detected in the right atrium (RA) by transthoracic echocardiography. Preoperative chest computed tomography showed an RA tumor measuring 30×24 mm in the lateral wall. We performed resection under the cardiopulmonary bypass. Histopathological examination confirmed that this tumor was a lipoma.
5.Constrictive Pericarditis due to Thymic Cancer Developed 17 Years after Resection of Thymoma with Myasthenia Gravis
Yuuki Kou ; Hajime Matsue ; Tetsuya Kajiyama ; Masaru Ishida ; Hisashi Satoh ; Hikaru Matsuda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;46(6):277-281
It is reported that myasthenia gravis (MG) with thymoma occupy 20% of all MG and extended thymectomy is recommended. After having operation, it is rare, but cases of recurrence of thymoma and, what is worse, thymic cancer from residual thymus tissue are reported. A 69-year-old man came to our hospital to have his dyspnea level examined. He had a past history of MG with thymoma and he had undergone extended thymectomy 17 years previously. Enhanced CT showed pericardial thickening and many tumors in the epicardium. Catheterization study showed dip and plateau pattern of left ventricular pressure. We therefore diagnosed constrictive pericarditis (CP). We performed pericardiectomy under cardiopulmonary bypass. He was discharged ambulatorily on postoperative day 24. Histological findings of the tumor and the pericardium showed that they were dissemination of thymic cancer. It was considered that thymic cancer caused CP and it was an extremely rare case. We think this is the first report to the best of our knowledge.
6.Usefulness of Normothermic Extracorporeal Circulation for Surgical Treatment of Malignant Retroperitoneal Tumor with Extension into Inferior Vena Cava.
Taizo HIRAISHI ; Tohru KOBAYASHI ; Makoto SAKURAI ; Hisashi SATOH ; Toshihiro OHATA ; Yoshiyuki FUDEMOTO ; Toshihiko KOTAKE
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(6):540-543
Six patients with malignant retroperitoneal tumor extending into the inferior vena cava (VCI) were surgically treated with use of a normothermic extracorporeal circulation (ECC). Origin of malignant tumor was renal cancer in four, adrenal cancer in one and seminoma in one. Four patients excluding two of renal cancer had metastasis to the lung or bone preoperatively. One of renal cancer with lung metastasis and invasion to the colon died six months after surgery. The remaining five patients have been alive and well with follow up of 1 year to 7 years (mean 3 years 3 months). Cytological examination of an arterial filter of ECC and intra-circuit blood was made and negative in two patients. Long term results and cytology revealed a rare chance of intraoperative dissemination of malignant cells. These results suggested feasibility of surgery using normothermic ECC for the treatment of malignant retroperitoneal tumor with extension into VCI.
7.Initial Clinical Experience and Evaluation of a Percutaneous Left Ventricular Assist System.
Hisashi Satoh ; Tohru Kobayashi ; Susumu Nakano ; Yasuhisa Shimazaki ; Mitsunori Kaneko ; Yuji Miyamoto ; Taizo Hiraisi ; Hikaru Matsuda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;23(5):301-306
We developed a percutaneous left ventricular assist system (PLVAS) using a centrifugal pump. PLVAS is the transseptal left atrial-femoral artery bypass to unload the left ventricle using a centrifugal pump. This PLVAS can be implanted through the inguinal vessels under fluoroscopy and also in 2 cases additional transesophageal echocardiogram guiding was performed. This PLVAS was applied to 6 patients with profound heart failure and refractory cardiogenic shock. The implantation of PLVAS required 30-60 minutes. The PLVAS assist flow was maintained at 3.0-4.0l/min. One patient with acute myocardial infarction survived and has been doing well for more than 1 year. The complications directly related to this procedure were minimal. PLVAS appears to be useful for patients with severe heart failure and may be useful as a short-time support or bridge to other more aggressive forms of life support.
8.Single-Stage Repair of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Associated with Aortic Stenosis and Pseudocoarctation by Means of the Clamshell Approach
Takanori Shibukawa ; Yuhya Tauchi ; Naoki Okuda ; Mitsutomo Yamada ; Hisashi Satoh ; Hikaru Matsuda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2014;43(6):336-339
A 64-year old man was admitted to our hospital with a diagnosis of aortic stenosis. Pre-operative chest CT revealed pseudocoarctation of the aorta with a hypoplastic aortic arch, elongation and kinking of the aortic arch and proximal descending aorta. There was also a large aneurysm from the distal arch to descending aorta. We performed a single-stage repair of the aortic lesion from the ascending to the descending aorta with aortic valve replacement. For the surgical approach, transverse clamshell incision was applied safely. Concomitant aortic valve replacement in surgical repair of pseudocoarctation and thoracic aneurysm was rare, and clamshell incision seemed beneficial in such single-stage repair from the aortic root to the descending aorta.