1.6) Epidemiology and Control of Guatemalan Onchocerciasis
Hiroyuki Takaoka ; Takeshi Suzuki
Tropical Medicine and Health 2015;43(SUPPLEMENT):87-94
Recent studies on the epidemiology and control of Guatemalan onchocerciasis, chiefly made by the Guatemala–Japan Cooperative Project on Onchocerciasis Research and Control, are reviewed. Epidemiological features of Guatemalan onchocerciasis are summarized as to characteristic altitudinal distribution of endemic areas, disease manifestation, vector taxonomy, biology and transmission dynamic of the disease. Extensive insecticide studies in the field and laboratory demonstrate that the characteristic situations of Guatemalan streams where Simulium ochraceum, the main vector of onchocerciasis, breeds require ingenious methods of larviciding. Finally, the feasibility of an area vector control is indicated by the successful control operation in the San Vicente Pacaya Pilot Area, in which a new fixed-dose larviciding method was applied.
2.Evaluation of Medium-term Pharyngeal Candidiasis Rate after Switchover from Beclomethasone Dipropionate to Fluticasone Propinate in Elderly Patients with Bronchial Asthma.
Hiroyuki OHBAYASHI ; Masako TSUCHIYA ; Toshie SUZUKI ; Hiroyuki NOSAKA ; Hirohiko YAMASE
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2002;50(5):695-699
[Background]: Fluticasone propinate (FP), an inhaled steroid agent, has greater clinical efficacy in bronchial asthma than Beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP), but it has been reported that the rate of oropharyngeal candidiasis becomes high. In this study, we evaluated the medium-term pharyngeal candidiasis rate in elderly patients after BDP was replaced with FP in maintenance therapy.
[Method]: A total of 53 elderly patients 65 and over, who had previously received stable maintenance therapy with BDP, were switched to treatment with half doses of FP, and they were taught to gargle again.
Eight weeks and six months later, pharyngeal swabs were taken for culture and assessment of candidiasis. These results were compared with those of 24 patients 64 and below. We also measured the inspiratory peak flow rate with inhaled FP.
[Results]: Eight weeks later, candidiasis appeared in 11 patients in the advanced age group (20.8%), which was significantly high compared with only one patient in the age group under 65 (4.2%). Although the pharyngeal candidiasis of 8/11 patients became negative by teaching them thoroughly how to gargle with povidone-iodine, candidiasis appeared in another seven patients six months later, bringing the total up to 10/53 (18.9%).
[Conclusion]: The appearance rate of pharyngeal candidiasis in the elderly patients, who changed for FP, was unexpectedly high. It was suggested that the frequncy of gargling after inhaling FP and the inspiratory peak flow rate when FP is inhaled could be big influential factors. When we use FP, it may be important to give medium and long term-persistent instructions to patients.
3.An Operative Case of Idiopathic Nonspecific Inflammatory Aneurysms of the Abdominal Aorta
Hiroyuki Suzuki ; Toshihiro Fujimatsu ; Hajime Oosawa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(4):206-210
We report a case of surgical treatment for idiopathic nonspecific inflammatory aneurysms of the abdominal aorta (AAA) with high-dose steroid therapy. The patient was a 35-year-old man who underwent steroid therapy (30 mg/day prednisolone) for idiopathic nonspecific inflammatory AAA and right common iliac artery aneurysm (CIAA) for 5 months. However, the sizes of the aneurysms were slowly increasing, and they were sacculated types, so surgical replacement was performed. Before the operation we continued to give 30 mg/day prednisolone, because decreasing the medicine made the c-reactive protein (CRP) value rise. Perioperatively the therapy continued, and the postoperative course was uneventful. With appropriate steroid therapy, replacement of idiopathic nonspecific inflammatory aneurysms of the abdominal aorta can be performed. It is also important to follow up the patient from long-term, to monitor for pseudoaneurysms from anastomosis or new aneurysms.
4.The Effects of Toki-Inshi and a Bath Preparation Containing Licorice Extract on Patients with Senile Pruritus.
Toshihiro IIDA ; Chiaki NISHIYAMA ; Hiroyuki SUZUKI
Kampo Medicine 1996;47(1):35-41
The main cause of senile pruritus is said to be dryness of the skin. Therefore, we treated patients with xerosis senilis, a common dry skin condition, using an oral preparation of Toki-inshi and a bath preparation containing licorice extract. The effectiveness of these treatments was determined by measuring changes in the water content of the epidermal horny layer over time using an electrical measuring device. The ability of the skin to retain moisture was expressed as the degree of dryness of the skin, and the results compared with the untreated group.
When the bath preparation was used, the skin dryness improved quickly, but the effects soon disappeared when the treatment was stopped. When Toki-inshi was administered orally, the improvement was slower than with the bath preparation, but the effects did not disappear immediately when the drug was withdrawn as in the case of the bath preparation. However, since there was not necessarily agreement between improvement in skin dryness and alleviation of pruritus, factors other than skin dryness might be involved.
5.Pulmonary Vein Isolation for Chronic Atrial Fibrillation Associated with Mitral Valve Disease.
Hiroyuki Tanaka ; Kazuhiro Suzuki ; Takashi Narisawa ; Takashi Suzuki ; Toshihiro Takaba
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001;30(3):122-125
Pulmonary vein isolation procedure was performed for atrial fibrillation associated with mitral valve disease in twelve patients. This simple procedure consisted of only isolation of the four pulmonary veins. Combined mitral valve surgery consisted of mitral valve plasty, mitral valve replacement with or without aortic valve replacement and tricuspid annuloplasty. Ten patients returned to a sinus rhythm. Two patients required DDD pacemaker implant for sick sinus syndrome. Left atrial contraction was detected in eight cases by trans-esophageal echography. Compared with the maze procedure, this operation was less invasive and preserved atrial appendage, helping to maintain normal secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide. This study suggests that the pulmonary vein isolation procedure may be an effective and simple maneuver for atrial fibrillation associated with mitral valvular disease.
6.A Case of Pseudoaneurysm of the Left Ventricle after Patch-and-Glue Repair of Postinfarction Left Ventricle Free Wall Rupture
Hiroyuki Suzuki ; Toshihiro Fujimatsu ; Hajime Oosawa ; Fumie Takai ; Masaki Hashimoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(5):323-326
We report a case of surgical treatment for pseudoaneurysm 4 years after Patch-and-Glue Repair of left ventricle free wall rupture (LVFWR) due to acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 2004 in a 74-year-old woman, she had been followed in our hospital. And 2 years later, echocardiography and MRI showed a pseudoaneurysm at the repair spot which was growing very slowly. Since we found a thrombus in the pseudoaneurysm, a redo operation was performed in 2008. The pseudoaneurysm was successfully extirpated, under cardiopulmonary bypass. The infracted area had degenerated to scar tissue and we could suture tightly without worrying about a fissure in the wall. We can use Patch-and-Glue Repair to rescue the LVFWR patients due to AMI in the acute stage because it is possible to remove the pseudoaneurysm in the future, on pseudoaneurysm excision in a firmly infarcted area is possible in the chronic stage.
7.Spontaneous Left Main Coronary Artery Dissection Treated by Emergency Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Hajime Osawa ; Toshihiro Fujimatsu ; Fumie Takai ; Hiroyuki Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(6):314-317
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a rare but often fatal cause of acute myocardial ischemia that occurs in young or middle-aged and otherwise healthy patients. We report a case of spontaneous left main coronary artery dissection in a young woman who was treated with emergency coronary artery bypass grafting. She improved after surgery but required a long recuperative period because of her cardiac failure and multiple organ failure, developed expiring on the 78th postoperative day. Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is unpredictable, and sudden death is the usual mode of clinical presentation. Prompt diagnosis and coronary artery revascularization are essential in order to achieve a favorable outcome in such cases.
8.Two-staged Operation for an Infected Common Illiac Arterial Aneurysm.
Yoshimasa Uno ; Shigeki Horikoshi ; Hideto Emoto ; Hiroyuki Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;28(5):331-334
A 56-year-old man with uncontrolled diabetis mellitus was admitted with general fatigue and high fever. Abdominal CT and aortography showed a saccular aneurysm in the left common illiac artery. Salmonella choleraesuis infection was diagnosed on the basis of blood culture. We performed a two-staged operation because of the tight inflammatory adhesions and the abcess formation around the aneurysm. First we performed surgical treatment of the aneurysm and extra-anatomical bypass grafting (F-F crossover bypass). Then the in situ graft replacement was performed, 4 weeks later. After the second surgery, antibiotics were administered for 6 more weeks. The patient remains asymptomatic for 6 months after the record operation.
9.Successful Surgical Closure of a Coronary Sinus Atrial Septal Defect Using a Heart-Shaped Patch.
Asatoshi Mizuno ; Shigeki Horikoshi ; Hideto Emoto ; Yoshimasa Uno ; Hiroyuki Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001;30(2):80-82
A 21-year-old man with coronary sinus atrial septal defect (ASD) was treated successfully. This case had been diagnosed as an ASD without a lower margin preoperatively but we confirmed this to be a coronary sinus ASD intraoperatively, and this case was classified as partially unroofed coronary sinus without PLSVC. The diagnosis of coronary sinus ASD before operation is sometimes difficult. Therefore we should pay attention to the location of the defect and the dilated coronary sinus in echocardiography, and the course of the cardiac catheter entering into the left atrium, for a correct diagnosis. In this case, the defect was located in the vicinity of the ostium of a large coronary sinus, therefore we could close the defect between the CS and the LA using a heart-shaped patch without any damage to the AV node.
10.Successful Treatment of Annulo-aortic Ectasia Associated with DeBakey's Type IIIb Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm.
Asatoshi Mizuno ; Shigeki Horikoshi ; Hideto Emoto ; Isao Aoki ; Hiroyuki Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001;30(5):262-264
A 52-year-old man with annulo-aortic ectasia and DeBakey's type IIIb dissecting aortic aneurysm was successfully treated. Aortography showed moderate to severe aortic regurgitation and enlargement of the ascending aorta, and CT showed a huge type IIIb dissecting aortic aneurysm. We scheduled a two-staged operation because dissection occurred 6 months previously and ECG showed severe LVH and ST-T change. The aortic root replacement using Bentall's procedure was performed, which was followed by arch replacement with an elephant trunk prosthesis on distal aorta. The entry in the distal aortic arch was covered by an elephant trunk prosthesis and postoperative diagnostic images showed thrombo-occlusion of the false lumen in the descending aorta. This operation was safe and might be a useful method for annulo-aortic ectasia with type IIIb dissecting aortic aneurysm.