1.Cerebral amyloid angiopathy with atypical imagingfindings of subarachnoid hemorrhage
Akira Tempaku ; Hidetoshi Ikeda ; Kazumi Nitta
Journal of Rural Medicine 2015;10(2):84-88
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is observed in most cases of nonhypertensive subcortical hemorrhage involving elderly patients. We herein describe the case of a female in whom a convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage was observed at 55 years of age. The cerebral hemorrhage occurred repeatedly; however, no obvious vascular lesions were observed on a cerebral angiography, and no signs of microbleeding or lesions in the deep white matter were identified on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Partial excision of the right frontal cortex and hematoma evacuation were performed, and histopathological examination showed deposition of an acidophilic substance with positive staining for Direct Fast Scarlet (DFS) in the cerebral vascular wall. Finally, brain hemorrhage due to CAA was diagnosed. This case suggests that CAA is an important differential diagnosis in patients with localized non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the convexity sulcus.
2.Нойр булчирхайн хорт хавдрын мэс засал эмчилгээ
Akira Chikamoto ; Shinya Abe ; Daisuke Hashimoto ; Katsunori Imai ; Hidetoshi Nitta ; Hiromitsu Hayashi ; Masayuki Watanabe ; Takatoshi Ishiko, ; Toru Beppu ; Hideo Baba
Innovation 2013;7(3):11-15
Pancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death in Japan. Surgical treatment is the effective way to achieve a long survival. Because of the development of surgical procedure and perioperative management, pancreatic surgery becomes safer. However, it still includes a certain number of morbidities and mortalities. It is important to perform safe operation for long survival. We herein introduce our operative procedure for pancreatic surgery including pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) and distal pancreatectomy. In patients undergoing PD, leakage from the pancreatic anastomosis remains an important cause of morbidity and contributes to prolonged hospitalization and mortality. Recently, a new end-to-end pancreatojejunostomy technique without the use of any stitches through the pancreatic texture or pancreatic duct has been developed. In this novel anastomosis technique, the pancreatic stump is first sunk into deeply and tightened with a purse string in the bowel serosa. We modified this method in an end-to-side manner to complete the insertion of the pancreatic stump into the jejunum, independent of the size of the pancreas or the jejunum. Since April 2013, we have performed this new anastomosis technique in 36 patients. The breakdown of preoperative diagnosis of 36 patients were 13 pancreatic cancers, 8 extrahepatic bile duct cancers, 7 intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and so on. Of 36 PD, 32 were subtotal stomach preserving PD (SSPPD), and the rest were SSPPD combined with left hemihepatectomy or distal pancreatectomy, and middle pancreatectomy. The concentration of amylase in discharged fluid through an abdominal drain decreased day by day. According to the ISGPF definition, pancreatic fistula (PF) was observed in 4 patients (11%). Of 4, only 1 case had grade C PF. This case had a hemorrhage from pancreatic cut end. This occurred probably because the pancreatic cut end was not compressed by the intestinal wall with this technique. This case had reoperation and the hemostasis of pancreatic cut end was secured. The other severe complications were not observed. This new method can be performed safely and is expected to reduce the occurrence of leakage from PD. The development of PF following distal pancreatectomy is an unsolved problem. We introduce a simple technique, the parallel suturing technique, which prevents severe PF by hand-sewn closure of the pancreatic stump. After standard distal pancreatectomy in the described cases, the main pancreatic duct was secured. The stump of the pancreatic remnant was closed with three nonabsorbable monofilament sutures. The three sutures were positioned about 3 mm proximal to the cut end of the pancreas and tied parallel to the pancreatic stump. Ascites fluid was collected through a drain tube, and its concentration of amylase was measured on days 1, 2, 3, and 4 postoperatively. PF was diagnosed according to the ISGPF classification. On postoperative day 4, three patients were categorized as having grade A PF, six were diagnosed with no PF, and the drain tubes of the remaining three were removed on day 3. This simple technique may effectively lighten the severity of PF following distal pancreatectomy. It may have a particular advantage in patients with a wide pancreatic stump.