1.The Effect of FR-167653 on Postoperative Intimal Hyperplasia of the Interposition Vein Graft in Rat.
Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Takashi Miyamoto ; Hideki Yao
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2002;31(3):173-176
Recently we reported that tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) mRNA expression and the development of postoperative intimal hyperplasia (IH) is different in rat epigastric vein interposition graft, compared to femoral artery re-anastomosis. We evaluated whether a TNF-α suppressive agent, FR-167653 (Fujisawa Pharm. Co., Ltd., Osaka) could suppress IH or not. Eleven Lewis male rats (480±8g) were studied. The epigastric vein graft was interposed into the common femoral artery. They were divided into two groups: group FR (n=5) with 2.0μg/g of FR-167653, and group C (n=6) with same dose of saline instead of FR-167653. The intimal areas of vein grafts were measured at 4 weeks postoperatively. The mean intimal area in group FR was significantly decreased, compared with group C (0.160±0.057mm2 vs. 0.434±0.045mm2, p<0.01). These results suggest that the TNF-α suppressive agent FR-167653 may suppress the postoperative intimal hyperplasia that occurs on the interposition vein graft in rats.
2.The Effects of FR-167653 on Postoperative Intimal Hyperplasia of the Interposition Vein Graft in Rat: 2nd Report.
Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Hideki Yao ; Takashi Miyamoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2003;32(2):75-78
Recently we reported that the inhibitor of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, FR-167653 (Fujisawa Pharm. Co., Ltd., Osaka) may suppress postoperative intimal hyperplasia. In this study we evaluated the best dosage and phase for administration of FR-167653, in order to clarify its mechanism in the postoperative treatment of intimal hyperplasia. Twenty-one Lewis male rats (484±5g) were studied. The epigastric vein graft was interposed into the common femoral artery. The rats were divided into four groups according to the dosage and phase of administration of FR-167653: group I (n=5) with 2.0μg/g of FR-167653 immediately before bypass, group T (n=5) with 2.0μg/g immediately before bypass and 2 weeks after bypass, group D (n=5) with 4.0μg/g immediately before bypass, and the control group (n=6) with the same dose of saline. The intimal areas of vein grafts were measured at 4 weeks postoperatively. The mean intimal areas in group I, T and D were significantly decreased compared with the control group, especially in group D (0.05±0.02mm2 vs. 0.43±0.05mm2, p<0.001). These results suggest that FR-167653 can suppress the postoperative intimal hyperplasia that occurs with interposition of vein grafts in rats.
3.Influence on Individual Finger Stalls in Pain during Acupuncture Operation
Mikako HANDA ; Ryutaro TSUNEATSU ; Tadashi TOKUTAKE ; Toshikazu MIYAMOTO ; Hideki NAKANO
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2004;54(4):627-635
[Objective] In this study, the pain of receiving acupuncture was evaluated with or without individual finger stalls.
[Design] In a randomized, subject- and operating person-blind, controlled study.
[Methods] Sixteen acupuncturists and same number of normal volunteers participated in this study. Two needles were inserted into each side of the lumbar muscles. The trials were carried out twice using finger stalls and with bare fingers. These trials were performed in random order. Right after the insertion of needles and at the beginning of electrical stimulation, the subjects were asked to answer a questionnaire about the severity and quality of pain on receiving acupuncture. Durations of procedures were measured. We asked the acupuncturists whether they felt any difficulty in performing acupuncture using finger stalls.
[Result] The majority of acupuncturists reported that using the finger stalls during treatment was inconvenient. Although the severity of pain of acupuncture did not significantly differ between that with and that without finger stalls, the average value was slightly higher with finger stalls. The qualities of pain on receiving acupuncture did not significantly differ between the two methods, however, the numbers of selected words differed on some items. The subjects could not recognize the use of individual finger stalls. The use of finger stalls did not influence the duration of the procedure.
[Conclusion] In this study, the qualities of pain on receiving acupuncture did not significantly differ between that with and that without finger stalls. The subjects could not recognize the use of individual finger stalls.
4.Disease control programmes and health system strengthening in developing countries: Current relation and possible future collaboration
Hitoshi MURAKAMI ; Naoko ISHIKAWA ; Hideki MIYAMOTO ; Daisuke NONAKA
Journal of International Health 2009;24(4):299-308
On 8 March 2009, the Workshop on Infectious Diseases Control Programmes and Health System Strengthening (HSS) was conducted in the 24th East Japan Regional Conference of the Japan Association for International Health. This article reports the discussion in the Workshop and the internet-based open forum that followed.
After four presentations reflecting on the field-based experiences regarding the relation between disease-specific programmes and HSS, following three aspects were discussed: 1) health system-wide barriers perceived through the implementation of disease-specific programmes; 2) shortcomings of the disease-specific initiatives in light of the HSS; and 3) how the disease-specific initiatives can contribute to the HSS.
As the system-wide barriers, insufficient quantity and quality of health human resources, lack of health infrastructure and material resources and limitation of the technology applicable to community level of developing countries were commonly perceived. Shortfall of disease-specific programmes in light of the HSS included the lacked coordination between different programmes and donors, duplicated heavy workload put on community health workers especially in recording and reporting, dissociation between local health needs and programme priorities, lack of contributions to strengthening mid-level health administration, deviation of resources to the priority programmes and lack of sharing of potentially sharable material resources. It was proposed that the disease-specific initiatives should contribute to resource mobilization, programme management models, capacity building of mid-level health administration, supplementing personnel cost and presenting hardware and software outcome resources to the HSS.
The disease-specific initiatives need to pursue the above mentioned practical contributions to the HSS. At the same time, a wider scope addressing political and policy-wise justifications of the form of the overall health system needs to be further discussed with developing countries stakeholders.
6.Open Heart Surgery for Steroid Treated Patients.
Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Takashi Miyamoto ; Katsuhiko Yamashita ; Hideki Yao ; Kazushige Inoue ; Torazo Wada ; Hiroe Tanaka ; Masaaki Ryomoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1999;28(2):78-81
We evaluated 13 patients (4 men & 9 women, mean age: 61 years-old) who required steroid treatment for more than 1 month before open heart surgery. The subjects included 3 patients with collagen diseases, 3 with dermatopathy, 2 with bronchial asthma, one each with Takayasu's disease, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, brain tumor and post-renal transplantation. Surgical procedures were performed with an AC bypass in 9 cases, one each with AVR, MVR, reMVR and ASD patch closure. The steroid treatment before open heart surgery had been continued for a mean of 4 years and 11 months at a mean dose of 9.4mg/day equivalent of prednisolone. We evaluated the adrenocortical function on the rapid ACTH test and found hypoadrenalism in 5 of 8 cases (63%). In these cases we gave either 100mg of hydrocortisone or 1, 000mg of methylprednisolone before open heart surgery. The total perioperative dosage of steroid was a mean of 2, 488mg equivalent of prednisolone, including 4mg/kg of betamethasone during the extra corporeal circulation. Postoperatively we lost one case due to ventricular rupture after MVR. Other major complications were seen in one case each, cardiac tamponade, temporary clamp, wound infection and lumbar vertebral fracture. For steroid treated patients, it is important to select the patient who really need steroid by the rapid ACTH test, and to use the minimum dosage of steroids in open heart surgery.
7.A Case of Simultaneous Surgical Treatment for Descending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm, Coronary Artery Disease and Left Common Iliac Artery Stenosis under Partial Cardiopulmonary Bypass.
Kazushige Inoue ; Takashi Miyamoto ; Toshihiko Saga ; Katuhiko Yamashita ; Hideki Yao ; Torazou Wada ; Masaaki Ryomoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2000;29(3):195-198
A 72-year-old woman underwent simultaneous combined surgical treatment for descending aortic aneurysm, coronary artery disease and left common iliac artery stenoses. The operation was performed through the left posterolateral thoracotomy via the 6th intercostal space and a left retroperitoneal approach. At first, 10mm woven Dacron graft was anastomosed to the abdominal aorta as an inlet of the cardiopulmonary bypass and the left femoral vein was used for venous drainage. A saphenous vein graft was anastomosed to the left anterior descending artery during partial cardiopulmonary bypass with the heart beating. Secondly, the aneurysm was replaced with 24mm woven Dacron graft. Thirdly, the proximal end of the vein graft was anastomosed to the Dacron graft of the descending aorta. Finally after cardiopulmonary bypass was terminated, the distal end of the woven Dacron graft for arterial perfusion was anastomosed to the left external iliac artery in end-to-side fashion. The postoperative course was uneventful. We conclude that simultaneous operation for descending aortic aneurysm and coronary artery bypass grafting through left thoracotomy with the heart beating is useful in these combined diseases.
8.Successful Conservative Treatment with Continuous Irrigation of an Electrolyzed Strong Acid Solution for Prosthetic Graft Infection of Abdominal Aorta.
Masaaki Ryomoto ; Takashi Miyamoto ; Hideki Yao ; Katsuhiko Yamashita ; Sukemasa Mukai ; Torazou Wada ; Masanori Murata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2000;29(5):347-350
A 65-year-old woman underwent abdominal aortic replacement using a woven Dacron tube graft for abdominal aortic aneurysm on April 2nd, 1996. She had pyrexia on the 6th postoperative day and abdominal enhanced CT scan showed periprosthetic bubble formations. She underwent relaparotomy 14 days after the initial procedure due to large retroperitoneal abcess bacterial culture of which revealed methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. She underwent debridement and local irrigation by an electrolyzed strong acid solution. Her pyrexia diminished immediately after relaparotomy and bacterial culture of the drain of the left retroperitoneal space became negative 82 days later. She was discharged and has had no active inflammatory signs for 3 years. She is doing well at present.
9.The Waffle Procedure for Postoperative Constrictive Epicarditis after Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Surgical Membrane as a Pericardial Substitute.
Hideki Yao ; Takashi Miyamoto ; Katsuhiko Yamashita ; Sukemasa Mukai ; Torazou Wada ; Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Takashi Nakagawa ; Masaaki Ryomoto
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001;30(3):134-136
Several substitutes have been utilized for pericardial closure after open heart surgery. A 55-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis 13 years after open mitral commissurotomy. At reoperation, the thickened pericardium was peeled off and the epicardium was covered with 0.1mm expanded polytetrafluoroethylene surgical membrane (Gore-tex®, sheet thickness 0.1mm). At the 7th postoperative day, he complained of fatigue and dyspnea. Physical examination revealed jugular venous distension, hepatomegaly, ascites and peripheral edema. Cardiac catheterization suggested the suspicion of pericardial or epicardial constriction. On the 3rd-operation, the Gore-tex® sheet was removed and multiple longitudinal and transverse incisions were made in the thickened epicardium, that is the waffle procedure, while protecting the myocardium and the coronary arteries. Perioperative hemodynamics improved remarkably. His cardiac index increased from 3.0 to 4.5l/min/m2. The postoperative course was uneventful.
10.Long-Term Results of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair for Patients Aged over 90 Years
Sukemasa Mukai ; Hideki Yao ; Takashi Miyamoto ; Mitsuhiro Yamamura ; Hiroe Tanaka ; Takashi Nakagawa ; Masaaki Ryomoto ; Yoshihito Inai
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2003;32(4):206-208
Of 225 patients who underwent surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm from April 1995 to June 2002, 8 patients. or 3.6%, aged 90 years or more (mean age 90.8±1.4. range 90 to 94, 7 men and 1 woman) were the subjects of this study. Four of these patients (50%) underwent emergency surgery. Of these 4 patients, preoperative shock was found in 1 patient. Preoperative complications were hypertension in 4 (50%), ischemic heart disease in 1 (13%), disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome in 1 (13%), and pleuritis in 1 (13%). The maximum diameter of AAA was 69.5±16.6mm (range 48 to 100mm). The surgical procedure was median laparotomy. Long-term follow-up by the attending physician, or questionnaire by phone was completed for all patients and range to 6.3 years (median, 2.4 years). There were no hospital deaths. Postoperative complications were delirium in 2 (25%), atelectasis in 1 (13%), and ileus in 1 (13%). There were 5 (63%) late deaths. The causes of death were pneumonia in 2, senescence in 1, cardiac failure in 1, and rupture of a pseudoaneurysm at the anastmotic site in 1. Long-term survivals at 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years were 88±12%, 63±17%, and 20±18%, respectively, whereas expected survivals at 1, 2, and 3 years were 82%, 65%, and 51%, respectively. Longterm survivals were not good, but no significant difference was found between long-term and expected survivals. Therefore, this surgical and long-term treatment can achieve satisfactory results. This result led us to recommend performing the operation for patients aged 90 years or more, except if they were bedridden, had severe dementia, or were at the end stage of a malignant disease.