1.The rate of intestinal helminthiasis in Thanh Luu (Ha Nam province) and results of mass treatment with mebendazole
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2000;10(4):76-78
The sample of faeces of 279 cases at Thanh Luu- Thanh Luong commune, Ha Nam province, especially the children under 15 years old, were collected, in order to identify the rate of intestinal helminthiasis and the effect of mebendazole from October 10-17, 1998. Results: the rate of helminthiasis was 85.3% and all participants were infected only Ascaris lumbricoides and trichirura. The rate of multiinfection was 52.1%. There was no difference of infection by age, sex. Single dose of mebendazole 400 mg eliminated 65% of cases of infection. Vomiting with worm occurred in 1.67% of cases.
2.Situation helminthiasis in two mountain points of Hoa Binh and Son La provinces
Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;10():6-8
Toan Son commune (Da Bac district, Hoa binh province) and Quy Huong commune (Moc Chau district, Son la province) are remote mountainous areas. Methods as interview, stool examination by Kato technique, sputum examination and snail examination by direct technique, crab muscle digestion were used in the study. Results of the study, showed that rate of people having habit of eating raw crab was 73.0% in Toan Son and 72.2% in Quy Huong; paragonimiasis rates were 3.3-11.3% and 3.4-15.7%, Ascaris infection rates was 52.3% and 50.0%, hookworm infection rates was 33.0% and 35.9%, Trichuris infection rates was 29.7% and 4.3%, clonorchiasis infection rate was 0.7 % (in Toan Son only), Taenia infection rates was 0.4% and 0.3%.In these communes, dogs, crabs and snails were also infected with paragonimus.
3.Helminthiasis infection in three mountainous communes of Lao Cai province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):87-91
At 3 mountainous communes of Bao Yen, Van Ban and Than Uyen districts of Lao Cai province, where there are stoned streams and stoned crab. The eating raw-crab rate in population was 39.5%. The rate of Paragonimus metacercaria was 69.6%. 2.149 human stool samples were collected and examined by Kato technique. The result showed that helminthic infection rate was 96.1%, of which the rate of Ascaris, Trichiuris, Hookworm, Paragonimus and Taenia infection was 88.7%, 33.5%, 67.1%, 0.3% and 4.1% respectively. The rate of multi-infection was 70.5%. In the 3 above communes, 722 human sputum samples were examined by direct method, the rate of paragonimiasis was 3.2%
Parasitic Diseases
4.parasitic worm infections in a flat commune of Quang Ninh province
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):68-73
442 stool samples in 2 groups of population of Lien Vi commune, Yen Hung district, Quang Ninh provine were examined by Kato method. The infection rate of Ascaris, Trichuris, hookworm were 83.7%, 70.3%, 16.7%, respectively. The infection rate of Opisthorchis viverrini was 5.6%. 607 stool samples from primary and basical schools in the commune were examined. The results showed that the infection rate of Ascaris, Trichuris, Hookworm were 99%, 89%, 7.3%, respectively. The mix infection rate was 70%. It was found that most of the local people were using not standardized latrines. They have a habit of using untreated stool as fertilizer or habit of eating raw fish and their low awareness about disease prevention
5.Pilot control of soil-transmitted helminthiasis for school children in a primary school, Ninh Binh province 1999-2000
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(4):74-83
Parasitological and knowledge – attitude – practice (KAP) surveys were carried out in 200 schoolchildren of Tran Phu primary school, Tam Diep town, Ninh Binh province and 200 their parents in 1999-2000. Information, education and communication (IEC) campaign for control program of helminth diseases and regular deworming every 6 months with albendazole 400mg single dose for all primary school children were implemented. After 1 year, prevalence of infection of Ascaris and Trichuris were reduced by more 50%, intensity of infection of Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworm were reduced by 86.9%, 84%, 100%, respectively. KAP of school children and their parents was changed significantly. Model of soil-transmitted helminthiasis control based on school has effectiveness, practice and extended application
6.Food-born parasitic disease in Vietnam
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;9():11-15
Vietnam is country with tropical climate, population community's life comform to habits, therefore parasitic infections, fungal infections in foods needed interest particularily. Foods infected helminth, germs through intermediary objects such as shellfishes, crabs, fishes, pigs,... because unhygienic foods infected to human. The author indicate that with contaminated route of helminth, unicell, fungus contaminated through foods, drink water, skin, breath,... depend on helminth's type that they exist and grow in human body and cause different diseases. To limit the contamination of germ, we must sure about food safety
Parasitic Diseases
7.Mid - evaluation activities of the primary school-base helminthiasis control project supported by Who (in 2002 - 2003)
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):82-88
The primary school-based helminthiasis control project was carried out in 767 communes (39 districts of 11 provinces). It is a combinate of IEC activities and periodical deworming every 6 months with mebendazole 500mg. 1,217,754 school children times (in 1,146 primary schools) have been drug administrated, coverage 97.2% - 100%. Side effects were not high 0.03% - 0.29%. Stool examinations have shown that the prevalence of infection is 98.4% - 78.8% and 19.2% respectively in the North, Center and the South. The intensity of Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworm infection in almost of schools is not rather high. The KAP surveys have shown that the majority of school children and their parents have knowledges of the reasons and the complications of helminthiasis 62.3% - 80.5% and 99.0%. However, percentage of people using nightsoil as fertilizer is 10.3%
World Health Organization
8.Effects of mass de - worming on physical development of primary school children (6 -11 years old)
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):89-98
A study stool samples were collected from 495 school children of two groups and examined by Kato - Katz techniques and anthropometric indicators (height, weight, mid upper circumference, body mass index) were measured in two years 2000-2001 in a primary school of Sam Son. The prevalence of intestinal helminths as Ascaris lumbriciodes, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm was found to be 83.5%, 92.2%, 5.6%, respectively while it was 87.5%, 98.9%, 51.3%, respectively in the control group.The anthropometric indicators were found to be lower that nomal in both groups. Prevalence of Ascaris lumbriciodes, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm was markedly reduced in the the study group after two rounds of treatment with mebendazole 500mg single dose with 6 month interval. The malnutrition status was significantly decreased one year after intervention
growth & development
10.Relationship between anaemia in children living in a malaria endemic areas and intestinal parasitic infection
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(1):92-98
A cross-sectional surveys on 1.206 children aged < 13 years old were carried out in Tra Mai commune of Quang Nam province and Phu Rieng commune of Binh Phuoc province in 2 years of 1999 and 2000. The proportion of anaemia children in Tra Mai was 21.6%, Phu Rieng was 33.5%. The most of them were mild anaemia patients. No severe anaemia case was detected. Malaria, hookworm were determined to be the risk factors for anaemia. There was a correlation between the hemoglobin concentration, the malaria parasitemia and the intensity of hookworm infection. Acid folic supplement treatment with dose of 2mg/kg/day x 30 days, combined with specific drugs in anaemia children had increased clearly hemoglobin concentration compared with single specific drugs
Parasitic Diseases