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Author:( Hazra, R.K)

1.A comparative study of prevalence and spatial distribution of major Anopheline vector fauna in a hyper- and a hypomalaria endemic district of Odisha, India with special reference to onset of first wet season

Pradhan, N. ; Rath, A. ; Mohanty, I. ; Panda, B.B. ; Hazra, R.K

Tropical Biomedicine 2019;36(1):209-223

2.Perennial malaria transmission and its association with rainfall at Kalahandi district of Odisha, Eastern India: A retrospective analysis

Panda, B.B. ; Mohanty, I. ; Rath, A. ; Pradhan, N. ; Hazra, R.K.

Tropical Biomedicine 2019;36(3):610-619

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