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Author:( Hatta MD)

1.Sexual Dysfunction amongst Women with Benign Gynaecological Disease

Norliza MD ; Norzilawati MN ; Hatta S ; Shuhaila

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1

2.Re-Evaluation of Serum Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Follow Up in Patients with Molar Pregnancy

Harry SR ; Nirmala CK ; Nor Azlin MI ; Lim PS ; Shafiee MN ; Shamsul AS ; Omar MH ; Hatta MD

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1

3.Assessment of Marital Dissatisfaction and Its Association with Sexual Dysfunction and Psychiatric Morbidities among Primary Health Attenders in Malaysia

Ahmad Faizal S MB Bch BAO ; Hatta Sidi MBBS, MMED(PSYCH) ; Suzaily Wahab MD, MMED(PSYCH) ; Najwa Baharuddin Msc

The International Medical Journal Malaysia 2017;16(2):19-26

4.Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Determinant of Overweight and Obesity among Malaysian Adult

Ahmad Ali Zainuddin ; Mala A Manickam ; Azli Baharudin ; Rusidah Selamat ; Kee Chee Cheong ; Noor Ani Ahmad ; Hatta Mutalip ; Rashidah Ambak ; Cheong Siew Man ; Mohamad Hasnan Ahmad ; Safiah Md Yusof ; Tahir Aris

International Journal of Public Health Research 2016;6(1):661-669

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