1.Bilateral Emphysematous Pyelonephritis with Hepatic Portal Venous Gas: Case Report
Mao Li Cheng ; Hasnizal Nording ; Chen Hong Lim
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2015;22(3):71-74
Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare life-threatening condition caused by a severe acute necrotising infection of the renal parenchyma and its perinephric tissues, and it is commonly seen in diabetic patients. There is a rare association between emphysematous pyelonephritis and hepatic portal venous gas. Hepatic portal venous gas is an uncommon radiological finding, which implies a significant underlying abdominal disease. The management of emphysematous pyelonephritis has evolved from prompt nephrectomy to medical therapy. In the present report, we present a case of a diabetic woman diagnosed with bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis with hepatic portal venous gas that was successfully managed medically despite the presence of poor prognostic factors, such as acute renal failure and thrombocytopenia.
2.Factors influencing late stage of breast cancer at presentation in a district Hospital - Segamat Hospital, Johor
Mao Li Cheng ; BCh BAO, DaoYao Ling ; Prathibha K P Nanu ; Hasnizal Nording ; Chen Hong Lim
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2015;70(3):148-152
Introduction: In Malaysia, late stage presentation of breast
cancer (stage III or IV) has been a healthcare problem that
varies geographically throughout the country. This study
aims to understand the factors influencing late stage of
breast cancer at presentation among Malaysian women in
Segamat Hospital, Johor, which is a district hospital.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted
on secondary data of all newly diagnosed breast cancer
women from 1st August 2011 to 28th February 2014.
Secondary data includes age, ethnicity, marital status, family
history, education level, occupation, presenting symptom,
duration of symptom, tumour size, tumour pathology,
tumour grading, oestrogen, progesterone and HER-2
receptor status were collected and analysed using SPSS
version 20.0.0.
Result: In total, data from 52 women was analysed and two
women were excluded for incompleteness as these women
defaulted. Late stage at presentation was 59.6% of all new
cases (17.3%, stage III and 42.3%, stage IV). The commonest
age group of all women diagnosed with breast cancer was in
the 5th decade. Majority of them were Malay, married and
housewives with no family history of breast cancer. The
statistically significant factors associated with late stage at
presentation include Malay ethnicity (p=0.019), presenting
symptoms other than breast lump (p=0.047), and duration of
breast lump more than 3 months (p=0.009).
Discussion/Conclusion: The study demonstrated presentation
at late stage of breast cancer is a major health concern
among Malaysian women in district hospital. This may be
attributed to different sociocultural beliefs, strong belief in
complementary and alternative medicine, lack of awareness,
and difficult accessibility to healthcare services.
Breast Neoplasms