Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis occurs predominantly in Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) -infected patients. It was also reported in HIV-seronegative patients
with systemic autoimmune disorder requiring systemic immunosuppression, organ or bone marrow transplantation, haematological or breast malignancy receiving
chemotherapy, ocular diseases following intraocular or periocular corticosteroid
injection, diabetes mellitus and Good syndrome. However, CMV retinitis in patients
with concurrent dermatomyositis and malignancy has not been previously reported.
It has not been reported in cancer other than haematological or breast malignancy,
or in cancer patient prior to chemotherapy. We report a case of 40-year-old
HIV-seronegative woman with underlying dermatomyositis and lung malignancy
who developed right CMV retinitis which relapsed after recommencement of
immunosuppressant. Both episodes of CMV retinitis were successfully treated after
taken her immunocompromised state into consideration.
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis