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Author:( Hamid M)

1.Effective connectivity between superior temporal gyrus and Heschl’s gyrus during white noise listening: linear versus non-linear models

Hamid KA ; Yusoff AN ; Rahman MZA ; Mohamad M ; Hamid AIA

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2012;8(2):1-13

2.The Acquisition, Analyses and Interpretation of fMRI Data: A Study on Functional Specialisation in Primary Auditory Cortices

Yusoff AN ; Abdul Hamid K ; Mohamad M ; Abd Hamid AI

Medicine and Health 2008;3(2):300-317

3.Scanning electron micrographs of medically important dust mite, Suidasia pontifica (Acari: Astigmata: Saproglyphidae) in Malaysia

Ahamad, M.* ; Louis, S.R. ; Hamid, Z. ; Ho, T.M.

Tropical Biomedicine 2011;28(2):275-282

4.Development, Validity and Reproducibility of a Food Frequency Questionnaire in Pregnancy for the Universiti Sains Malaysia Birth Cohort Study

Loy SL ; Marhazlina M ; Nor Azwany Y ; Hamid Jan JM

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2011;17(1):1-18

5.Role of higher levels of post-challenge antibodies in protective vaccination against Leishmania tropica infection of BALB/c mice

Rostamian MOSAYEB ; Niknam M. HAMID

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2020;10(12):532-539

6.Purification and characterization of thermostable chitinase from a novel S. maltophilia strain

Rifat Hamid ; Mahboob Ahmad ; Malik M. Ahmad ; M. Z. Abdin ; Saleem Javed

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2013;9(1):7-12

7.Severe Respiratory Sequelae Of H1N1 : Clinical Features, Management And Outcome – A Review

Ismail A Hamid ; Marzida Mansor ; Gracie Siok Yan Ong ; N M Kumar

International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education 2010;4(2):10-17

8.DNA damage evaluation of hydroxyapatite on fibroblast cell L929 using the single cell gel electrophoresis assay.

Rajab NF ; Yaakob TA ; Ong BY ; Hamid M ; Ali AM ; Annuar BO ; Inayat-Hussain SH

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2004;59 Suppl B():170-171

9.Risk Determinants of Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus Attending Follow-Up Clinics at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (UKMMC): A Cross-Sectional Study

Fatimah AB ; Aziz NA ; Amaramalar SN ; Aznida FAA ; Hamid MZA ; Norlaila M

Medicine and Health 2010;5(1):34-40

10.Leishmania tropica: The comparison of two frequently-used methods of parasite load assay in vaccinated mice

Zargaran Nemati FATEMEH ; Rostamian MOSAYEB ; Akya ALISHA ; Niknam M. HAMID

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2020;10(6):248-253

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