1.Effect of Visual input on stretch responses of ankle muscles during movements to absorb impact.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2002;51(5):447-456
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the different visual and vestibular inputs on EMG response of ankle muscles during movement to absorb impact in sliding down a slope. Thereby, our research focused on the relationship between preactivation (PA) in central program and stretch reflex induced by dorsiflexion immediately after impact. The subjects were nine healthy males. Movements were conducted using a special sliding apparatus. Conditions included sliding down a lower 15°slope with eyes open (Low) and with eyes closed (Low-Closed), and a higher 20°slope with eyes open (High) . PA prior to impact indicated the co-contraction of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and tibialis anterior (TA) . PA levels in those muscles were significantly higher during High than during Low-Closed (p<0.05) . In contrast, PA of the coleus (Sol) was low in all test conditions. After impact, however, the stretch reflex of Sol during Low-Closed was greater than other test conditions. Because muscle stretch velocities and PA levels of Sol among all test conditions remained unchanged, these results suggest that different visual inputs could change the response of stretch reflex by modulations in reflex gain.
2.Community Study of Anemia in a Village of Nanyo (Southern Area), Ehime Prefecture
Naohisa OKADA ; Noriyuki NITTA ; Hiroyuki NAGAMI ; Ryotaro SEKI ; Yosuke YAMANE
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1973;21(5):471-478
Today, rural communities in Japan are on the brink of a ruin, and the rapidly deteriorating social conditions there have exerted a harmful influence on the health of farmers.
During the work for protecting health of the inhabitants in a village of Ehime Prefecture, it was noticed that a considerably low level of community health has reflected on the high frequency of anemia.
It is noteworthy that most of the anemic cases result from overwork and unbalanced nutrition caused by poverty.
In our last investigation on 1389 inhabitants, anemia was found in 28.0% of the male adults, 25.7% of the female adults, 40% of the old people. The mean hemoglobin level was 14.58±1.63 in the male adults, and 12.57±1.51 in the female adults.
It is urgently necessary to take effective measures to correct the situation.
As causal factors, we can enumerate distorted dietary life, overwork, and physiological phenomena peculiar to women, such as pregnancy and delivery, in the case of women; and overwork, a general decline of bone marrow functions, and the secondary anemia caused by other diseases in the case of old people. The establishment of a system of community health control is needed more than anything else.
3.Community Study of Anemia in a Village of Nanyo (Southern Area), Ehime Prefecture
Naohisa OKADA ; Noriyuki NITTA ; Hiroyuki NAGAMI ; Ryotaro SEKI ; Yosuke YAMANE
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1973;21(5):479-483
An examination of anemia has been carried out for 466 pupils of Aiji Elementary School and Aiji Lower Secondary School in Hiromicho, Ehime Prefecture.
The cases of anemia became more and more frequent as the age of the pupils advanced, and this, we think, is closely connected with the distorted dietary life which is forced upon the people in rural areas in Japan by the repid change of living conditions there.
For measures to counter the frequent occurrence of anemia among pupils it is most important to establish a close cooperation between the school health protection and the community health protection and to pursue the community program of health protection.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2011;60(2):229-237
The effect of forearm and upper limb muscles vibration during extension and flexion movement of wrist and elbow was studied in 10 normal human subjects. In first experiment, a vibratory stimulation was applied to either the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) or the biceps brachii (BB) muscle during simple and simultaneous extension movement about wrist and elbow. In second experiment, vibratory stimulation was applied to either the extensor carpi radialis (ECR) or the triceps brachii (TB) muscle during simple and simultaneous flexion movement about wrist and elbow. The main new findings of the present study are as follows. During simple and simultaneous extension-flexion movements of the elbow, the application of vibration to the FCU or to the ECR produced an undershoot of the target position. However, no undershoot was observed by the application of vibration to the BB or the TB during simultaneous extension-flexion movements of the wrist. From these results, it was revealed that although there are cases where the phenomenon of undershoot resulting from vibration of the wrist and elbow during simple and simultaneous movements corresponds to the type of synaptic connection from muscle spindle group Ia sensory inputs to alpha motor neurons, as identified by Cavallari & Katz (1989) and Cavallari et al. (1992), the manifestation of undershoot is influenced by differences between the movement patterns of the wrist and elbow joints, as well as the differences between simple movement and simultaneous movement.
5.Activities for Protecting Health of Inhabitants in the Southern Part of Ehime Prefecture
Hiroyuki NAGAMI ; Naohisa OKADA ; Noriyuki NITTA ; Kazumitsu HIRAI ; Yosuke YAMANE ; Ryotaro SEKI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1973;21(5):506-512
Today, many villages in Japan are rapidly declining as a result of the policy of the Japanese government aiming at the growth of monopoly capital.
Shimo-Ono is one of such villages, with 184 houses and 731 inhabitants. We would report the progress of the regional examinations carried out in this village for these nine years and discuss about the necessity of the communal system of health protection, the actual state of health destruction and the countermeasures to be taken against this, and the problems imposed upon future regional examinations.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2008;57(2):217-224
Object : The purpose of this study was to test the response of the decline in heart rate (HR) induced by compression on the eyeball (eyeball pressure : EP) and voluntary non breath (VNB) after pedaling exercise. Methods : EP ; Nine male subjects performed exercise for 3 min in a supine position using a bicycle ergometer. Immediately after the exercise all subjects received EP for 10 seconds. After that, subjects undertook the same protocol without EP (CON-E). VNB ; Four male and two female subjects performed exercise for 5 minutes using a bicycle ergometer. Immediately after the exercise subjects received VNB for 7 seconds. After that subjects undertook the same protocol without VNB (CON-V). Results : The slope of the decline in HR recovery (HRDS) after exercise in EP increased significantly more than that in CON-E (p<0.05). However, time constant (HRTC) in CON-E declined faster than that in EP. Thereby, the relationship between HRDS in EP and HRTC in CON-E correlated (r=-0.562). The HRDS of VNB was greater than that of EP and CON-V. However the relationship between HRDS in VNB and HRTC in CON-V did not correlate. Conclusion : We suggest that EP affects vagal nervous activity and VNB affects strength of baroreflex sensitivity. Therefore HRDS of EP might evaluate vagal nervous activity.
7.Activities for Protecting Health of Inhabitants in the Southern Part of Ehime Prefecture
Naohisa Okada ; Ryotaro Seki ; Yosuke Yamane ; Kazumitsu Hirai ; Hajime Kamo ; Shinsuke Yasugi ; Masahide Tosa ; Hiroko Shigeoka ; Hiroyuki Nagami
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1972;21(1):1-8
The activities for protecting health of inhabitants in the southern part of Ehime Prefecture (people call this part of the prefecture “Nan'yo”) has been developed by the Center of Rural Medicine, since it was established in November, 1965 as an auxiliary organization of the Ehime Prefectural Kitauwa Hospital.
Nan'yo covers an area of 1, 790.3 km2 and has 348, 065 population (1970).It consists of two cities, nineteen towns and two villages, and has five Health Centers.
The phenomenon called “over-sparseness of population”, which is one of the manifestations of the contradiction inevitable to the capitalism in Japan is also observed more and more conspicuously in Nan'yo.
In this situation the Center of Rural Medicine pursues the activities of health protection based on the need of inhabitants as a part of the communal program for establishing health protection system, which is pushed forward in cooperation with the Health Centers, the Medical Association of Ehime Prefecture, Tottori University and the agricultural cooperative association.
The main features of the activities for protecting health of inhabitants are as follows.
1) To gain a closer cooperation of the administration of the prefecture
2) To establish a communal system of health protection in cooperation with various medical organizations
3) To establish hospitals based on the need of inhabitants
4) To urge the more substantial medical policy of the communities
5) To contribute to the deepening of understanding in social medicine of medical and paramedical students
8.Clinical studies of gastric cancer cases at a rural hospital in southern district of Ibaraki Prefecture.
Katsuhiro SANADA ; Kohei OKAMOTO ; Koichi SHIBATA ; Susumu HIRANUMA ; Kazushi SEKI ; Noriaki TAKIGUCHI ; Itaru TAKASHIMA ; Norihide SUGANO ; Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI ; Tetsujin KURE ; Shin TONOUCHI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1991;39(5):1018-1030
During the eleven years from January 1978 to December 1988, we experienced 1, 287 cases of gastric cancer, hospitalized in the surgical department of Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital which is located in the southern agricultural district of Ibaraki Prefecture.
Among these 1, 287 cases, 1, 233 patients were operated on. Gastric resection was performed in 1, 059 cases including 337 cases of total gastrectomy with the resection rate of 85.9 percent (1, 059/1, 233). In 863 cases, resection gave histologically satisfactory results, and our curative resection rate was 70.0 percent (863/1, 233). Direct mortality rate was 2.35% in all operated cases and 1.32% in resected cases.
The five-year survival rate over the period from 1978 to 1983 was 57.7% in all resected cases and 69.3% in curatively resected cases.
Annual follow up observation showed increases in resection rate, curative resection rate, and five-year survival rate. However, there were no remarkable changes in the rate of total gastrectomy, rate of combined resection of other organs, and degree of lymph nodes dissection.
The main factor contributing to the improvement in the results of surgical treatment of gastric cancer was the increase in the detection rate of cancer in relatively early stages, through gastric mass survey or total check-up in the asymptomatic stage.
9.Clinical Study on Peripheral and Visceral Aneurysms.
Ryosei KURIBAYASHI ; Tohru SAKURADA ; Hiroaki AIDA ; Yoshikazu GOTO ; Keiji SEKI ; Ryuji HAYASHI ; Atushi MEGURO ; Mamoru SATO ; Akio INOMATA ; Hiroyuki ATUMI ; Tadaaki ABE
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(3):255-260
Clinical course and outcome of 34 patients with peripheral and visceral artery aneuryms, operated during 1975-1990, were analysed. There were 24 males and 10 females. Ages ranged from 14 to 87, with an average of 55 years. Peripheral aneurysms located most frequently in the lower extremity, and the incidence of various origin of the aneurysms were as follows: 14 in femoral, 5 in popliteal, 4 in internal iliac, 3 in subclavian, 2 in common iliac arteries, and 1 in each of vertebral, radial, splenic, renal and anterior tibial artery. Most common cause of aneurysm was arteriosclerosis. Multiple aneurysms were found in 59% of sclerotic type and in most of these with bilateral aneurysms in the iliac, femoral and popliteal. Ruptured aneurysms were seen in 26% of this series. Most of the aneurysms in the extremities were totally excised without difficulty, while the aneurysms in common iliac and internal iliac were opened with partial excision or obliterated with endoaneurysmorrhaphy. Arterial reconstruction was performed using saphenous vein graft or synthetic vascular graft, excepting that the internal iliac artery itself was not reconstructed. The early operative results were satisfactory, but late results showed two death and three complications of cardiovascular system. Therefore, careful follow up of the postoperative patients was recommended.
10.The novel latex agglutination turbidimetric immunoassay system for simultaneous measurements of calprotectin and hemoglobin in feces
Sakiko HIRAOKA ; Shiho TAKASHIMA ; Toshihiro INOKUCHI ; Asuka NAKARAI ; Masahiro TAKAHARA ; Keita HARADA ; Yasuhiro SEKI ; Katsunori WATANABE ; Jun KATO ; Hiroyuki OKADA
Intestinal Research 2019;17(2):202-209
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Fecal calprotectin (Fcal) as well as the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) are useful biomarkers for detecting activity and mucosal healing in inflammatory bowel diseases. Here, we report the performance of simultaneous measurements of Fcal and FIT for ulcerative colitis (UC) patients using the newly-developed latex agglutination turbidimetric immunoassay (LATIA) system. METHODS: Fcal and hemoglobin were measured by the LATIA system in 152 UC patients who underwent colonoscopy. Fcal was also quantified with a conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Fecal markers were evaluated in conjunction with the mucosal status of UC, which was assessed via the Mayo endoscopic subscore (MES) classification. RESULTS: The LATIA system could quantify calprotectin and hemoglobin simultaneously with the same fecal samples within 10 minutes. The values of the Fcal-LATIA closely correlated with those of the Fcal-ELISA (Spearman rank correlation coefficient, r=0.84; P<0.0001). The values of Fcal for each assay and the FIT all significantly correlated with the MESs (Spearman rank correlation coefficient, Fcal-LATIA: r=0.58, Fcal-ELISA: r=0.55, and FIT: r=0.72). The mucosal healing predictability (determined by an MES of 0 alone) of the Fcal-LATIA, Fcal-ELISA, and FIT-LATIA with the cutoffs determined by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was 0.79, 0.78, and 0.92 for sensitivity, respectively, and 0.78, 0.69, and 0.73 for specificity, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The performance of the novel Fcal-LATIA was equivalent to that of the conventional Fcal assay. Simultaneous measurements with FITs would promote the clinical relevance of fecal biomarkers in UC.
Colitis, Ulcerative
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Leukocyte L1 Antigen Complex
ROC Curve
Sensitivity and Specificity