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Author:( H Tohid)

1.Post dengue neurological complication

Hasliza AH ; Tohid H ; Loh KY ; Santhi P

Malaysian Family Physician 2015;10(2):49-51

2.A study on pregnant adolescents residing in a government home: common characteristics and their views on the pregnancy

PS Tan ; H Tohid ; XV Su ; KTM Tan ; MN Azimah ; O Khairani

Malaysian Family Physician 2012;7(1):11-15

3.Isolation of Mycobacterium fortuitum in sputum specimens of a patient with chronic cough: Is it clinically significant?

Radzniwan MR ; Tohid H ; Ahmad S ; Mohd Ali F ; Md Anshar F

Malaysian Family Physician 2014;9(3):38-41

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