JINLANBAO (JLB), a preparation extracted from the Pecten Argopecten irradiaus and some Chinese medicinal herbs,has been reported to have several immuno-mod-ulatory effects in mice In this paper,the influence of JLB on the immuivlogcai functions in mice is presented. The results showed that JLB could enhance the phagocytosis of intraperi-toneal macrophages (Mo) inhibited by methyl-prednisone,increase the IgM level in CTX-de-pressed cells in a dose-dependent manner in the medium-dose and high-dose group. JLB has been found to have a two-way regulatory effect on ConA-induced T-lyrophocytes prolifera tion, tea promoting effect in low dose group,and an inhibiting effect in high dose group. As an immunopotentiator, the potential values and prospects for the developing of JLB should be paid attention to in pharmaceutical sciences.