1.CT features of multi-parasite infection in liver
Jun YANG ; Qinqing LI ; Yingying DING ; Chengde LIAO ; Guanshun WANG ; Conghui AI
Journal of Practical Radiology 2015;(7):1121-1124
Objective To discuss the CT manifestations of multi-parasite infection in liver to improve the diagnostic accuracy. Methods A total of 11 patients with ELISA-proved multi-parasite infection in liver were enrolled in this study.The plain and dynamic enhanced CT scans were performed.The imaging findings including the number,distribution,size,shape,density,enhancement and degree intratumaral features,cholangiectasis and abdominal lymphadenopathy were retrospectively analyzed.Results A single lesion of multi-parasite infection in liver was detected in 6 patients and multiple lesions were in other 5.The lesions in 8 patients were located in a single lobe of the liver,and involved in several hepatic lobes in other 3.The maximum diameter of the lesion ranged from 1.7 cm to 6.3 cm with an average diameter of 4.4 cm.Irregular lesions were found in 7 patients and round ones in shape were in other 4.Plain CT showed the lesions with low-intensity.All lesions were mild to moderate inhomogeneous enhancement on portal vein phase,presented honeycomb-like or separated enhancement with cholangiectasis (n=2)and abdominal lymphadenopathy (n=2).Conclusion The CT manifestations on portal vein phase in combination with clinical data are useful for the diagnosis of multi-parasite infection in liver.
2.Value of CT signs in predicting Fuhrman grading of clear cell renal carcinoma
Huaxiu LI ; Zhenhui LI ; Hongli CUN ; Na WANG ; Dafu ZHANG ; Zhiping ZHANG ; Guanshun WANG
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(10):1618-1622
Objective To investigate the predictive value of CT signs in the pathological Fuhrman grading of clear cell renal carcinoma (ccRCC).Methods The clinicopathological features and CT findings of 72 patients with ccRCC which confirmed by operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively.According to the WHO Fuhrman grading,all patients were divided into low-grade(Fuhrman gradeⅠorⅡ)or high-grade (Fuhrman gradeⅢorⅣ).ChiG square test and t-test were used to compare the clinical data and CT findings between the two groups,including morphological features (site,whether the renal medulla invasion,morphology,growth pattern,border,pseudo-envelope,lobulation sign,interface,perirenal fascia and the same lateral adrenal invasion,renal sinus and perirenal fat invasion,venous invasion,lymphadenopathy, maximum diameter),density (bleeding,necrosis ratio,calcification,fat)and enhancement characteristics (the degree of enhancement, strengthening method).And the pathological Fuhrman grading was the gold standard.The ROC was used to analyze the diagnostic efficacy of CT signs on Fuhrman grading.The Delong test was used to compare the AUC of different CT signs.Results There were significant differences in tumor maximum diameter,the renal medulla invasion,and lobulation sign between the Fuhrman low-grade and high-grade group(χ2/t=-4.31 7,9.794,7.325,P<0.05).There were no differences in gender,age,location sign,morphology,growth pattern, border,pseudo-envelope,interface,perirenal fascia and ipsilateral adrenal invasion,renal sinus and perirenal fat invasion,necrosis ratio,degree of enhancement,strengthening method between two groups (P>0.05). The largest diameter of the tumor,the renal medulla invasion and the lobulation sign were useful for Fuhrman diagnosis.The AUC was 0.778,0.647 and 0.644,respectively.And there were significant differences between the maximum diameter and the renal medulla invasion or lobulation sign (P<0.05).Conclusion The maximum diameter,medulla and lobular sign can predict the Fuhrman grading of ccRCC,and the maximum diameter prediction is the most accurate.
3.Progress of Dual-Energy CT Virtual Noncalcium and mDixon-Quant Techniques in Multiple Myeloma
Jing SHEN ; Haibo TAO ; Kun LI ; Guanshun WANG ; Huan MA ; Yao WANG
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging 2024;32(10):1075-1079
Multiple myeloma is a kind of hematological malignancy commonly seen in the elderly.Its main feature is that abnormal proliferation of bone marrow plasma cells replace normal bone marrow,which changes the water fat ratio of vertebral bone marrow,leading to bone destruction and bone marrow infiltration.At present,dual energy CT virtual non calcium and modified Dixon Quant can detect the changes of bone marrow and conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of bone lesions,which can assist in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma,prompt treatment response and judge the prognosis of patients.This paper reviews the application progress of the above two quantitative techniques in multiple myeloma,in order to provide imaging reference for the diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma.
4.CTand MRImanifestationsofcerebralpleomorphicxanthoastrocytoma
Hongli CUN ; Zhenhui LI ; Huaxiu LI ; Guanshun WANG
Journal of Practical Radiology 2019;35(5):689-692
Objective ToinvestigatetheMRIandCTimagingcharacteristicsofcerebralpleomorphicxanthoastrocytoma(PXA). Methods CTandMRImanifestationsof5cerebralPXAcasesconfirmedbypathologywereanalyzedandcomparedwiththosecases reportedindocumentation.Results The meanageof5caseswas (27±18)years,andallthecasesrespectivelyhadsinglelesion whichwaslocatedinthecortexorsubcortex.In5cases,3leionsoccurredinthetemporallobe,while1lesioninthefrontallobeand1 lesioninthecerebellarvermis.Solid-cystictumorsin3casesandsolidtumorsin2cases(including1casewithpartialpiamaterinfiltrated) wereidentifiedbyCTandMRI.ThecysticpartoflesionwasshownaslowdensitywhilethesolidpartasmixeddensityonplainCT scan,including1casewithscatteredpoint-stripecalcification.Thesolid-cysticcapsuleandthesolidpartoflesionweredemonstrated asuniform markedenhancementonenhancedCTscan.ThesolidareaoftumorwasshownasslightlyhypointenseonT1WI,slightly hyperintenseonT2WI,markedenhancement,andequisignalorhyperintenseonDWIimage.Thesolid-cysticcapsulewallwasenhanced in3cases,whilethecysticpartwasnotenhanced.ThemildtomoderateedemaaroundthetumorwasdetectedinalltumorsbyCT and MRI.Conclusion PXAoccursmostfrequentlyinthetemporallobeofadolescents.TypicalcharacteristicsofCTandMRIaresolid-cystic massandmarked-enhancementofwallnodule,withdifferentdegreeofedemaaroundthetumor.