Objective To investigate the alien snails in Dapeng Peninsula Shenzhen City. Methods The survey on the snail diversity in Dapeng Peninsula was carried out from August 2012 to Jan 2013 and the species of the alien snails were iden?tified according to the shell morphology. Results Four species of alien snails including Achatina fulica Pomacea canalicula?ta Physa acuta and Biomphalaria straminea were found in Dapeng Peninsula P. acuta was found in all of the collected sites A. fulica and P. canaliculata were distributed in five regions except Yangmeikeng area and B. straminea was just found in Dapeng Town. Conclusion Four species of important alien snails invade widely in Dapeng Peninsula Shenzhen City. As their potential risk to the disease transmission and agriculture production the relative departments should strengthen the control and prevention.