1.Geometrical Morphology of the Human Coronary Arteries
Journal of Third Military Medical University 1984;0(02):-
Five resin casts of the coronary arteries and the hislological sections of three hesrts with the arteries injected Chinese ink were prepared in human adult autopsy subjec s . 3187 branches of the coronary arterial trees were counted and measured . By Strahler's system the branch pattern of the coronary arterial tree was described . According to the analysis of the geometrical morphology data, the relationships between the diameter , the length and the number of branches in each order and the branch order show the exponential function respectively , which have high correlation significance (p
2.Biomechanical Properties of Coronary Arteries in Human.Ⅲ.Static Elastic Moduli,Microstructure and Clinical Significance
Journal of Third Military Medical University 1983;0(04):-
For the 1st and 2nd pts.see ibid vol.11,no.4t p.241 & p.251 (1989).The anterior interventricular branch and the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery and the right coronary artery were excised from 7 autopsy adult subjects without heart diseases.A biaxial loading test lor the vascular specimens was completed,which was simultaneously finished in the internal thoracic artery (ITA) and the great saphenous vein (GSV) of the same subjects in order to compare with the coronary arteries.Elastic moduli of the vessels increased with increasing pressure in the vessels.As compared with GSV the mechanical properties of ITA ap-proach the coronary arteries.It is assumed that the coronary artery bypass grafting choose ITA before GSV in view of the mechanical properties of the vascular walls.A ratio of collagen per elastin may be used as an index of the arterial elasticity.It is discussed that the biomechanical properties of the arteries may influence the pathogenesis of the arteriosclerosis.
3.Bio mechanical Properties of Coronary Aiteries in Human Ⅱ.The Stress-Strain Relationship under Biaxial Loading
Journal of Third Military Medical University 1983;0(04):-
For the first pt.see ibid vol.11 no.4,p.241 (1989).The anterior interven-tricular branch aad the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery,and the right coronary were excised from 7 autopsy adult subjects without heart diseases.A biaxial loading test for the vascular specimens was completed,which was simultaneously finished in the internal thoracic artery(ITA) and the great saphenous vein (GSV) of the same subjects in order to compare with the coronary arteries.Stress-strain relationships of the vessels were expressed by the exponential strain energy function.The meaning of the two-dimensional material constants for the vessels are discussed.
4.Origin of Occipital Artery: An Observation on 200 Cases
Journal of Third Military Medical University 1983;0(03):-
The origin of 200 occipital arteries on 100 cadavers were investigated. 199 cases of the occipital arteries originated from the external carotid artery and only one was found arising from the common carotid. The artery arised as an independent stem in 80.5% of cases and from a common stem with other arteries in 19.5%. In 85.6% of cases the site of origin of the artery was within 10mm above or below the mandibular level. In addition, the sites of origin of the occipital and facial arteries were compared. It was found that the site of the occipital artery was usually higher than that of the facial artery in contrary to the statement of the conventional textbooks that they are in a level opposite to each other.
5.Surgical Anatomy of Extended Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap
Journal of Third Military Medical University 1983;0(04):-
The vessels and nerves in the pectoacromial region were dissected under an operative microscope on 50 human specimens. The main blood supply of this region comes from the thoracoacromial artery. Its deltoid, pectoral, and clavicular branches all have secondary branches to the pectoralis major. In 94% of the cases, the .deltoid branch sends out a cutaneous branch known as the thoracoacromial cutaneous branch. Its external caliber is 1.22mm in average and it distributes over the cutaneous region covering the anterior portion of the del-toideus, the subclavian fossa, and the upper portion of the pectoralis major with an average area of 80.63cm2.An extended pectoralis major myocutaneous flap can be designed taking the thoracoacromial artery or its deltoid branch as its pedicle. This myocutaneous flap can contain an axial skin flap supplied by the thoracoacromial cutaneous branch.
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1954;0(02):-
The vessels of the skin flap in the fronto-parieto-temporal region were studied by way of injecting 10% ethyl acetate dye into the artery of 25 Chinese adult cadavers.The main arterial supply in this region is the superficial temporal artery. In addition,the posterior auricular,supraorbital and supratrochtear arteries distribute over this region as well.The superficial temporal artery is the largest scalp artery.The area distributed by this artery amounts to 57.38?6.05% of the whole scalp.The frontal and parietal branches are the terminal branches of the superficial temporal artery.The former is a constant branch in our cases.It is a dominant vessel of which both the distributing area and the caliber are larger than the parietal branch.The superficial temporal vein is mainly formed by the union of a frontal and a parietal venous branches,which approximately accompany the corresponding branches of the artery. The arteries in the fronto-parieto-temporal region form rich anastomoses at the median area of the vertex.The large anastomoses channels were counted in this study.These channels have anatomically provided for the designing of a supe(?)long flap which run across the median zone.The forehead flap with the frontal branch as the pedicle artery and the scalp flap with the parietal branch as the pedicle artery were discussed.
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1957;0(04):-
126 adult male Wistar rats were used.A 4?6 cm~2 standard island skin flap wasraised on one side of the abdominal wall of the rats.In the flaps of the experim-ental group,only the superficial epigastric and lateral thoracic vein were preserved.The process of revascularization,histological changes,glycogen content and lactatedehydrogenase (LDH) activity of the flap were observed postoperatively with Indian ink injection,X-ray,microscopy and microspectrometry.The shrinking rateand degree of edema of the experimental flap were also observed and all comparedwith those of the control flaps.The results indicated that the flaps of experimentalgroup had a higher survival rate and lower degree of edema,and its glycogencontent and LDH activity decreased markedly on the lst postoperative day,andincreased gradully afterwards.Revascularization started on the 2nd postoperative day,such as capillary anastomoses passing through the cut edges of the flap,vesselsentering the flap from the recipient bed,vessels becoming tortous,dilated,andmarkedly proliferated.The results suggest that there was a true plasmatic circulationat the early stage in the simple venous flap and turns to a normal vascular type byrevascularization.The vividness of a flap may be indicated by the variance of themetabolism of carbohydrate in the skin flap.
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1953;0(01):-
It is scanty in reports about the anatomy of the medial thoracic free flap, that which one of the perforating arteries of the internal thoracic artery is the main arterial source of this flap is still in dispute. This investigation was based on dissection of 50 sides of adult cadavers under the operating microscope.Among the perforating arteries of the internal thoracic artery in the upper four intercostal spaces, the second perforating artery presents a higher incidence of occurence, it also possesses a larger caliber and distributing area. So that it would be the first choice as a pedicle artery in the transplantation of the medial thoracic free flap. The next choice is the first perforating artery, because its distributing area is larger than that of the third as well as the fourth arteries.The second intercostal space is the widest among all other spaces. The internal thoarcic artery in this space is located more superficial and stands further apart from the lateral border of the sternum than that in the other three intercostal spaces. All these advantages are in favor for taking the second perforating artery as the pedicle artery of the free flap or even to take the internal thoracic artery of the same segment together with it. If a portion of the second costal cartilage isresected, the first two perforating arteries and their related portion of internal thoracic artery can be involved in the pedicle, and the area of the skin flap will be increased to a large extent.Some of the applied anatomy of the transplantation of the medial thoracic free flap has been discussed.
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1954;0(02):-
1. Fifty upper limbs of adult cadavers were dissected under an operating microscope.2. The ramus superficialis of the radial nerve is about 180 mm long, and springs from the radial nerve at a level about 16 mm below the medial epicondyle of the humerus. As the radial artery, it can be divided into superficial and deep parts by the overlapping of musculus brachioradialis. The junction between the two parts corresponds to a plane which divides the forearm into upper 2/3 and lower 1/3. The width of the ramus superficialis increases gradually as it runs downwards, and its cross section looks elliptical distally and somewhat circular proximally. Each of the two parts of the ramus superficialis receives 1~4 arteries from the lateral cutaneous arteries or muscular branches of the radial artery. Measurements were made to determine the position of the origin of these arteries.3. The nervus cutaneous antebrachii lateralis divides into two branches in the forearm, and receives 2~8 arteries mainly from the lateral cutaneous branches of the radial artery. It usually gives a branch communicating with the ramus superficialis of the radial nerve. The nervus cutaneous antebrachii lateralis can be found easily at the point just 5~6 mm lateral to the junction of the superficial and deep parts of the radial artery.4. The applied anatomy of the vascular pedicle nerve graft was discussed.
Acta Anatomica Sinica 1957;0(04):-
0.05). The ITA contains relatively higher content of elastin as compared with the others (P