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Author:( Greenhill, Andrew R)

1.Bloodstream infections caused by resistant bacteria in surgical patients admitted to Modilon Hospital, Madang.

Asa, Henao ; Laman, Moses ; Greenhill, Andrew R ; Siba, Peter M ; Davis, Timothy M E ; Maihua, John ; Manning, Laurens

Papua and New Guinea medical journal 2012;55(1-4):5-11

2.A large outbreak of shigellosis commencing in an internally displaced population, Papua New Guinea, 2013

Benny Edwin ; Mesere Kelly ; Pavlin Boris ; Yakam Logan ; Ford Rebecca ; Yoannes Mition ; Kisa Debbie ; Abdad Mohammad Y ; Menda Lincoln ; Greenhill Andrew R ; Horwood Paul F

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2014;5(3):18-21

3.Shigellosis: A truly neglected disease in Papua New Guinea

Elisheba Malau ; Jenny Mosse ; Paul F. Horwood ; Andrew R. Greenhill

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2016;59(3-4):147-154

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